How To Use Touch 'n Seal Foam Kit 200

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How To Use Touch 'n Seal Foam Kit 200. 1.75 PFC closed cell foam.
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11 paragraph advice:
Measure the required volume carefully. Always buy the biggest tanks for the majority of the job. The 600s are a much better deal than 200s.

*If it's cold outside, * then it is the *wrong season* to be applying this to insulate your cold walls!

Cold is the enemy. Always work within the 3 required temperature limits. Run a fan to keep all air circulating and to avoid excessively warm or cold walls.

The closer the chemicals are to 90°F, the sooner the foam expands and the _sooner you can notice problems._ Get both chemical temperatures to 90°F before use. The liquid center will usually be colder than the metal tank. Slosh the liquids vigorously inside the tanks *each time* before measuring the tank side temperature. Don't get impatient while they warm up. Don't "over-do" it.

I warm the chemical tanks in a small room with its own heater thermostat set to 90. I use a cheap digital IR (remote) thermal sensor since chemical bottles, wall surfaces, and air - ALL need to be kept within strict limits. I measure a bit of dry paper to get air temperature.

If you cannot easily work the entire room exterior walls without stopping for more than 15 seconds at any moment, then you should consider buying more disposable nozzles before proceeding. You get 3 in the smaller kits, more in the larger kits.

_If the two chemicals do not mix 50/50, then they won't react fully, nor expand completely!_ *A bad mixture in your walls is bad for your health!* There is a reason we wear a chemical respirator while applying this stuff !

As they show, always start a batch on scrap cardboard. If you even *suspect* a problem, then immediately switch to scrap cardboard for a set of 5-second-on 15-second-off test runs until you can measure the total expansion. If the stream hitting cardboard - changes in speed or color - then STOP! The nozzle might be clogging up, or one _Can_ may be empty before the _Other, _ either way the mixture may stop being 50/50!

If your corrugated cardboard test failed, then stop, slosh the tanks to estimate remaining liquids, and check *all* temperatures again.

If the foam works fine on cardboard, but fails to expand as rapidly on a wall, then STOP! The wall is probably too cold, and you should have been measuring them and been proactive about this. I make sure that wall cavities will stay within the temperature limit while the foam fully cures on the first coat. The colder the walls start out, the closer to the upper limit they should be preheated to.

Remove nozzle, clean and grease as needed and replace with a new nozzle after any pause longer than 30 seconds, _or if you suspect a clogged nozzle may be slowing the stream._


I've used a different brand . easy to set up and spray. One must Cary a small crescent wrench as the lil yellow handles to turn on both tanks are a bit stiff. Other than that its fun to use . happy spraying.


Step 1: Setup Foam Kit.
Step 2: Waste half the expensive Foam before applying.
Step 3: Apply remaining Foam for 120 seconds.
Step 4: Go buy another Foam Kit.


Is there any special instructions for coating the interior side of a foundation block wall, partially below grade?


I have the same machine. Could you please help on any distributors for the 750 foam.


How do I remove the uncured stuff from my joists that comes out at the end when the two parts do not mix equally?


Can this product be used for overhead installations?


Did I hear that correct if you stop 30sec then must replace nozzle? So I have to run like rabbit joist to joist on a ladder? No thanks


We're from purchase these tools...?


Can the nozzles be cleaned out with acetone?


I'm getting the run around trying to get a average cost per square foot by contractor for a estimate. I believe I'll use o e of these kits instead. Thx.


I had my home insulation by usa insulation of indianapolis and all the foam is all crack up


If you are going to spray in foam to a flat roof from the inside, will that cause issues when a roofer needs to replace the roof? My home needs to be gutted (Asbestos) and it will have an exposed ceiling.. Should I layer the plywood under the roof with anything to prevent the spray foam from adhering to the plywood if/when it needs to be replaced so the roofers do not pull out the foam ?


If this product is not safe, what is a safe product for diy spray foam?


Are there any special nozzles so you do not have to remove all your drywall?


Fantastic video, I was trying to decide on this product or another brand and the video was super helpful that it was enough to swing my decision. Thanks for the support. I will buy the product, all 1000 bucks worth too!


Love the narrator's Wisconsin accent.


Tubes cane off the cans. Foam started to come ort and hardened in the hose and on the can. Changed the nozzle but the hose is full of hardened foam. Can't get the unit to work now.


how long does the temp need to be above 60 deg after we use the kit?


I need this, can You help me? I am Romanian
