Rollo Tomassi Leads New York Times Reporter to Private 21 Convention Gathering

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#Manosphere RationalMale #Hypergamy #RolloTomassi #RuleZero
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How is she not fired!!!! If it was a male doing this on female convention, he be fired and locked up


Oh shit they way she looks at Rollo direction when asked who sent you here. Dead give away


Unfortunate and distasteful incident. Sounds like the sin of pride has entered into the tribe--trying to incite division and manipulation. Sad. Unchecked egos have been the downfall of many individuals.


It has been said, Discretion is the sum of valor... After reading the complete statement, you did what you had to do. A private event has a purpose. Media has a time and place, for a reason. Sadly, it feels so often like There is never a time for a private male space.


Well, OK, thanks 21 Studios for revealing the cause of the severance. Since the severee didn't own up to the deed on his web site, it's fair for 21 to air it this way. I can't imagine WTF he was thinking when he led Judas to the Last Supper, but springing Judas on 21 like that was some real bad shit.


I am very disappointed in Rollo!
I noticed Rollo trying to TAKE executive decisions on speakers and all for the 21 con.
I've watched ADJ build and work crazy hard to build this platform to be what it is.
Good job ADJ, keep up the good work 💪🏽


The dude always gave me a weird vibe despite how helpful his content has been. I had an issue with his person, but couldn’t put my finger on it. Seems my gut feeling was right on the money, sadly. Definitely encourage others to read all the details regarding the decision made by 21 Studios.


This sounds like the headline to an ongoing sexual assault case


This video along with the statement, has made things clear about what has happened. Anthony has behaved in the best manner possible considering what has been going on. It’s a tragic shame but it is what it is.


Boy rollo ego is so inflated he just can't contain himself, he has such a hard on for roosh it's not even funny, .you know I was waiting to see how long it would take before he pulled a stunt like this, I picked up on it 3 years ago when I first started following 21 and red man group, it just seemed every time you turned around he always overshadowed the others, long winded too.i mean the man is a genius in the inter sexual world of man and woman you can't take that away, and he has helped alot of people, it's a shame to lose such a jewel to his own self worth and ego. Your doing a great job Anthony I support you and your mission for life


Having read the statement, I feel a war coming on


I really don’t even know C21 except that it involves men, and probably men only. So why invite a woman, particularly a well know reporter. I’m sure there is a time and place for her to speak to C21s official Reps. Outside looking in, the inviter seems to have violated everyone’s trust.


But ny times is very liberal leaning very pro feminist and shares the values which Rollo hates the most about modern day relationship dynamics, why would he want them there? To boost publicity for his book? And I swear Tomassi is a psydonum to cover up his identity and job anyway surely ny times exposure would be unwise for his career?

Rollo comes across as a narcissistic control freak at times and I think Anthony gave him too much credit in the convention out of backlash to his divorce with a psychopathic prostitute. Rollo wasn't happy with Liam McRae, James Marshall, David Tian, Sasha Daygame, James McLean, Gareth Jones and Steve Mayda citing all speeches as "purple pill" and missing the point of the feminine imperative. I think he certainly influenced Anthony's decision to cut out some of these speakers and replace them with "macho red pill " masculine guys who really don't give effective seduction advice. . James Marshall and James McLean's interviews blow them out the water in terms of what theyve done for me in my dating life and their speeches are 100 times better than any of the red pill group. I don't know exactly what Rollo wanted, maybe he saw too many puas fall into the trap of thinking women would fix their life and wanted to focus on the bigger picture to help men and saw the previous speakers as still giving too much of a romanticised view point on relationships that weren't focusing enough on the "feminine" imperative. Which is important and very helpful now but shouldn't undermine the fact that some speakers like James Marshall have still delivered world class speeches at the convention.


That was a lot to digest but thanks a lot for the clarification


Dang Rollo disappointed, I learned so much from your books.


Wow, this is messed up. Thank you for the additional information.


How many of you will come back and remove the dislike after reading over the details provided?


if Rollo hasn't read it yet, he needs 6 pillars of self esteem (hopefully gets his shit together) and Avoid J.Peterson.


Even if he never would, I can't believe he was talking about throwing TRP and the manosphere under the bus like that.
I'm sure there's more context to figure 9, but he definitely has a destructive sense of superiority. Yikes


Rollo the 21 convention gathering is not one of your promos gigs. It is sacred.
