Iran launches ships into Strait of Hormuz

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Fox News security analyst Walid Phares on Iran's navy exercises in the Strait of Hormuz, Iran's political future and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pushing for the release of a U.S. pastor detained in Turkey.
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Iran have the rights to defend it self


18, 000 or 18, 000, 000 barrels a day? Only a small difference.
Reassuring to see such a well-informed host.


They fought Iraq for ten years. It took us ten days.. Let them cross the USA and suffer the consequences.


to bad for US coz S400 its alredy in Iran and Russian base in Srya


When countries such as America put sanctions on rich country such as iran they only really target the middle class and poor people of iran not a government. When a country goes to war with Iran we can refer back to Iran vs Iraq and their alies in 1980 to 1988, we witnessed people age 15-16-17 years old pretending to be 18 to join the army and defended their motherland with knowing they may not come back home, regardless of what religion and politics believes they had. 80 million iranian will defend their motherland, so that mean USA and their allies have to get rid of 80 millions Iranians .
Therefore the Iranians within the country only have the power to change the government, not a country or people that abusing power .
Does anyone ever read history and learn about the past of what happened to people abused power in the past? E.g. Nazi Germany, Mongolian empire, ancient Egyptions or many great and power civilisation that doesn’t exist today .
You all may be get too excited if the war happen against iran, USA economy will boost, zionist will get more power but what do we really achieve as human beings?
War always bring casualties for both side as iran has never been invaded fully by any country since ancient time . Iran has many allies now, than they had in 1980’s , so does USA . Are they peppering for WW3, to get rid of population ?
As a Iranian I’m shame of certain Iranians living outside of iran that willing for their own people to die only because they support opposition governments and want them to come to
Are you puppet which lives to follow stupid politics or are you a human willing to have their own will and care about humanity and have peace thats the real question !??


Provocation? They need to survive. Brinkmanship is 100% US-driven.


When the seas rise the M-east deserts are gonna be in huge problems.
This is why i want Global Warming to be real.


It's SOOO hilarious to think that Iran is going to challenge the world's greatest Naval and air power, in an area that the USA has prepared for over 40 years to defend. This will be their last mistake.


If Iran blocks the Straits of Hormuz it would be a disaster for much of the world and a boon for the United States. Those nations that depend on importing oil at an affordable price and a reliable supply will be in big trouble due to shortages and soaring prices. But the US is now energy self sufficient, can cap domestic prices at a low level while selling surplus at a high level. This would put the United States at a huge trade advantage over its competitors like China, Europe, Japan, India, South Korea, Turkey. The cost of shipping would also soar. The trade war would become even more one sided than it already is. It might be to the US advantage to leave it blocked for awhile.


To be honest, whether or not you like their government, Iran actually DOES have the #13 most powerful military in the world as of 2018:

They are actually much stronger than many people realize.


Simply put, Saudi Arabia and United Emirates don't want Iran to be a regional power. So it will never happen.


Iran's people will rise up again and this time they won't reach out only to find a weakling!


Iran should take out Saudi Arabia in the service of the "war on terror" in response.


lol reagan didn't play their shit neither will trump dont test us


What you guys are discussing is off the mark. The right way to think is " US, stop distabilising other countries. Keep your thinking to yourselves and leave other nations to think for themselves." Nobody, apart from your fellow war mongers buys whatever you say.


Again... Zero mention of SCO in relation to Turkey. Huge mistake not understanding how close Turkey is to moving from NATO to SCO


American soldires come on ... we are wating for you in persian gulf. Its not a hollywood movie this is a real war


You have no qualms in strangling the Iranians, but you can’t tolerate their right to hold together as one nation. What hypocrisy! You guys should be ashamed.


Build a pipeline across the straights, and you don’t need the straights for shipping oil.


Iran has survived 30 years of sanction, yet it survives, even flourishes. Now Trump, the gambler, who broke the deal of JCPOA again issues another sanction to Iran. I hope Iran will retaliate strongly and US will pay back
