Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC)

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PBC, primary biliary cholangitis, or primary biliary cirrhosis in the past, is a very rare liver disease. If you have been diagnosed with PBC, no need to be overtly worried. It is a treatable disease and most of my patients live a normal life.
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#pbc #primarybiliarycholangitis
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Thank you for this explanation. Its helps put my mind at rest.


Thank You, Dr. Wai, for this very informative video. You answered questions for me that I had in regards to long term. I was diagnosed 10 months ago, went on Keto the next day and have lost 35 lbs. My BW #s are down to 1/3 from what the high numbers were and my specialist has said I am doing great and to keep doing what I am doing. On the scale of 1-4, I am about a 0-1. Of course there is still the auto-immune status which I know I will have but the outlook is surely looking better. I was devastated by the diagnosis but decided to be proactive and I now have a better outlook. Thank You for clearing up some questions on the future for me.


Thanks Doctor for this but I have a question concerning the serious cases because my eyes are yellow already and I am taking the medication you mentioned can you please give information on that?


Thank you Dr Wai. Please comment regarding your opinion on this. Chronic hep b Patient had itchy skin for past few days. This is symtom of PBC. Patient also had higher prolactine hormone reading. Could building of bile juice in blood have caused higer prolactin hormone reading? We though what has changed in lifestyle that would cause this PBC. We can think of licorice tea that patient was consuming for past few months. Licorice herb has a component called "Glycyrrhizin" which is used in Japan to treat chronic hepatitis B. This could have activated immune response and T cell attacked the hep b infacted cells in bile duct and causing its inflamation and resulting in reduced bile flow? Do you think our assumpution coiuld be valid? Thank you 🙏🏼


Sir udiliv 300 give yellowish in my eyes i think it is not suitable for me


What if your allergic to the 3 medicine ? What all natural would you recommend? I can't not tolerate any of the medicine.


8 years diagnosed with PBC. Need to find new doctor but cant fund one knowledgeable on PBC in my hometown.was seeing doctor in cleveland 50 miles away and can no longer make appointments . I am 76 yrs old and cant drive that far. How can i find new doctor close to me with knowledge of PBC?


so my problem mine was not diagnosed early like he said all his patients were. mine has progressed to autoimmune hepatitis. I also am unable to take the Urso. I already know everything he said. The only issue was I can't take the Urso and I'm late stage three not stage two which is what he was talking about. His patients were.
Hi doctor this is what my friend said. I don't want her to die. What can she do? The medication they give her are making her very bad. It's a medication to keep her there till they find a liver transplant. But she feel like she is dying when she take it. Please help


Sir does vitamin d help this illness?? Sir doctor gives me ocabile 10 is it okay ?? Please reply sir bcoz in my city not good doctor are available in liver case।


Please reply sir i stopped taking ocabile 10 last one month now my ggt and alp increase csn i re start ocabile 10


Hi Doctor
My son has pbs. I would like you to see him. How can we contact you?


Hi dr whats the average life expectancy of someone with pbc


Hello sir
Can i pl connect with you through email ?
