Memoir 44 Solo Playthrough- Eastern Front- Suomussalmi

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This is another solo playthrough of Memoir 44. The scenario is Suomussalmi. It was originally released in the Eastern Front expansion then updated with winter terrain tiles in the Air Pack. The win/loss percentages for this scenario are 52-48 for the Germans/Axis.

I have realized my computer is too slow for editing 4K video editing so I need to shoot a lower quality if I want to start adding text or titles or overlays, etc... A faster computer is not in the cards at this point. So this one is still just me playing with no frills.

There a couple minor mistakes but nothing egregious. I say "chip" instead of "card" in the intro and at one point, I can retreat a ski troops unit three hexes and I only retreat them one hex. And I also forget to take a card at the end of a couple turns but I think I have a system figured out to fix that.

Anyway, I love reading comments so if you enjoy the videos let me know. Thanks for watching.
Рекомендации по теме

Enjoyed the video, Jon. This would be a good introduction for anyone that is starting out in the game, as you talk out the logic behind your moves and the rules that govern the game. Good to see you just plain enjoying the game, too!!


Great job Jon. I loved how you took a sincere interest in the success of both sides. Your customization with poker chips and shooting flags is very nice. I just use colored plastic paper clips to keep track of combatants. I need to invest in poker chips but I haven’t found any I like (only looked at Amazon so far). Not sure how many chips I need to buy. Love the Aquasox cap (I have one just like it).


I like your setup for playing the game and making the video. I do think it would be more interesting is you would play a real opponent. I am in Ohio if you need a partner to play! 😃
