Roblox Monster Restaurant In Real Life

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This was SO much fun!! You guys are the best!!💕Thanks so much for having me in your video!!🩷


The Collab we didn't deserve but we all needed


Rumors say that Judah is still trying to fix that table 💀


They should make a whole movie Frfr this is peak 🔥🔥🔥


"an idiot sandwich...😢"
"👹That's right."👹"

Edit 3- It's been 3 days. 650 likes...? Yall are CrAzY! [Thank you 🥰]


9:36 “hold up let him cook” best line ever


Hi guys! I have a video idea for you!❤ So basically this game is called zombie where one person is the zombie and they have to try to find the survivors, but the zombies can only run when they see the survivors. And it goes on and on until the zombies catch them all or the survivors survive for ten minutes. That’s all for the game hope you enjoy!!! ☀️✨👍


Okay, so theory time.

This theory is a bit out there, but it could make sense. Since they revealed that their mom apparently doesn’t exist in the video, that got me wondering. 

What if she was scattered across the universe? 

Okay, so for context, those who have (fortunately or unfortunately) gotten deep enough into Undertale (remember that game?) will probably know where I’m going with this, there is a character in Undertale who is exceedingly mysterious. This character technically doesnt appear in the game at all, is only vaguely mentioned, and, despite apparently being one of the most important entities in the game, doesn’t seem to exist at all. Yes, I’m talking about W.D Gaster.

So, for those who don’t know about them, here’s a little crash course. Veterans can skip this.

Okay, so there this thing called a FUN values in Undertale. It’s basically a randomly generated number that can impact your game in different ways. W.D (Wing Dings (It’s a written languages consisting of picture like symbols as letters)) Gaster has “followers” that can appear at specific FUN values, and if you get a very specific FUN values, you can see a silhouette that we believe to be Gaster. There are also lab logs we believe to be written by Gaster. I won’t go into full detail, but basically, these lab logs were found by the current Royal Scientist, who believe them to be written by Gaster, and following the instructions, operated a machine that, well, didn’t do very good things. So, from the followers and the lab logs, we have somewhat figured out a story for Gaster. So, Gaster was the former Royal Scientist who was incredibly intelligent and made many great creations. Unfortunately, one of his creations, the Core, a giant machine that provided power to the entire Underground, malfunctioned and he was caught by the explosion. Because of the vast amount of energy the Core generated, his soul was fractured and he disappeared from the world, almost as if he never existed in the first place. Yes I know this is a terrible summary.

Okay, so crash course over, I think something similar happened to their mom. Maybe she was messing around with the artifacts, and, since we know that the artifacts can be very volatile, something went wrong and she was literally fractured by the energy, erasing her from the world. This could be why she doesn’t exist, as her soul, body, whatever, like Gaster’s, no longer exists as a functional, traceable person. Maybe that butterfly in the Lego Fortnite was a part of her fractured self, trying to help her children even if she doesn’t really exist anymore.

This would also make her nickname, the Angel of The Stars, pretty dark. She is helping others, like an angel, from the stars, because she no longer exists as a being of the worlds.

Anyways thanks for reading this comment if you got this far, and I’ll say, if you want a more comprehensive summary of Gaster, go search him up, the internet will do a much better job summing him up than I ever can on a YouTube comment.


9:16 Elijah’s British accent is incredible
And this is coming from a British guy


The editor needs a raise I'm telling yall-


The Fact That Zoey Was In This Video Is CRAZY! 2 For 1 😊❤


15:01 I'm dying how Judah said "skibidi dop dop dop yes yes" 😭


I have a theory that maybe their mom isn't trapped in any singular Raelo but rather a place in-between, which would explain why she doesn't seem to exist, she isn't in the material world, she's within the fabric of reality. It also could go along with the Angel of the Stars; she used the artifacts maybe to open a special portal that either opened to the in-between or pulled her into it. that could be why Elijah was so worried when Shiloh was messing with them. he doesn't know exactly what kind of mission their mom left on but maybe he knew it involved the artifacts, it could also explain why in that one video Shiloh tried to activate something...a portal perhaps, and it didn't work, maybe because she didn't have enough artifacts.

Side theory, maybe the whole zombie thing came from the In-between, which would explain how it got to the custodian's world if the in between kind of works like the arkis, allowing for a person to theoretically travel but risk getting stuck.
Another thought is that maybe the butterfly from the Lego fornite irl was their mom managing to get some form of contact with the material world, and used it to help people, or the butterfly may be connected to the in-between or their mom, like a spirit animal.

I'm going to add this: The storyline about someone/thing stealing the resources of whole Raelos, maybe their connected to what happened to their mom.
WHAT IF SHE'S A PRIOSONER? think about it, if you have a person that could travel to world and is kind and helps everyone, so they would absolutely try to foil your evil plans, wouldn't you want to imprison them. Maybe whoever is stealing resources trapped their mom in the In-between because they knew stuff like that tracker wouldn't be able to locate them.

This does raise another question, what happened to the evil dude from the clash royale irl video, we see him not use an arkis but rather a form of tech that is...Embedded? into his body/ 1 did he do that or did someone else? 2 how does he have that? and why don't Shiloh and Bros? is it like an off brand or a one-person raelo teleporter thing? And like in the prion irl video how did Joclyn (sorry I'm bad at spelling names) get to that raelo, unless she was brought by the prison guards/warden...HOW BAD WAS THE FIGHT THAT SHE GOT LOCKED IN A MONSTER PRISON?
Going back to the evil guy from clash royale, how did he know about the powerful gem?

Can raelos leek into other raelos? like we've seen videos where poppy playtime and rainbow friends were in the same place...Is this canon? or just for fun?

We do also see that little brown monster thing from the maze world come back to the MOM headquarters, along with lots of charators in the background that don't look exactly..human? are they also people like the princess from prison irl, they just invite people back? Is there a system? like the travel agency? or Immigration laws? (I don't know enough about this)

And judging by the reoccurring characters like the monsters with the big fangs. Are they all from the same raelo? or is it like the multiverse thing where multiple of the same creatures live on different Raelos?
hat about the realos that aren't advanced enough to have Raelo travel or what not? Like in the Clash Royale video the kings in charge of the event had never heard of the White tower and dark Castle?

How do other people raelo travel? do they have like a mini arkis? or is it like that little tech the evil guy had?

How did the shapeshifter know that people like Elijah were going to be in the right raelo at the right time? or was it just by chance?

How many people can understand the little brown monster from maze world? because we only ever see Judah talk to hit. Is Judah just happens to be like the teams Linguist? or is it like taking Spanish in high school? Did Judah take a How to understand small creatures 101 class?

If they use the Arkis to go to Raelos, what if the Raelo doesn't have an arkis? or is it like making a Nether portal where it just spawns in on the other side? Is that how Peach came to ask for help in that one secret video? is there just an Arkis chilling in the basement or something? Or is that where that beacon thing comes in {referring to lego fortnite} it seemed like a one-time use, is that what they do for Raelos that either don't have an Arkis or maybe can't be trusted? Are there Raelo police? is that how the prison worked? just different raelos send their bad people to one central place?


Sorry, there are so many questions, I just love theorizing

Also, NONE of this is confirmed and I'm just having fun making theories,
And is probably very wrong but either way I'm excited to see what happens in the future, Shiloh and Bros videos always put a smile on my face and make me laugh they have come so far




26:28 that was so cute team Zelijah And it’s so funny that’s Elijah cause it’s always josiah


Okay so this is the most wild theory that is never going to be true but here we go.

I think their mom was a hero like Shilo and her brothers. The woman who wanted to save everyone. She'd tell Shilo stories and speeches on why she did what she did. Its where Shilo gets her convincing skills from. That was until one day.

Mom left the children with a babysitter while saw something weird. All of the artifacts she had gathered had created a portal of some sorts. Before Mom left she put a note on the outside of the door. Something of the lines of “Hey kids its mommy. Mommy has gone on a mission. Mommy doesnt know when she'll be back. Just remember that while Mommy is gone to keep the artifacts in their realms!”.

(I imagine Elijah was the one that found this note and thats why he was so upset in the maze video when he found out Shilo was the one collecting artifacts. He knew the artifacts were what made Mom go missing he just didnt know how. Shilo mabey had a look at this note and though collecting artifacts would bring Mom back somehow.)

When Mom stepped through the portal it closed behind her but she wasnt worried about that for a moment. Her surroundings were weirder. It was like Earth but more chaotic. Trees were pink the sky was orange and the grass was black. Eventually she found a library where she took shelter. It was weird when she opened a book she had to sign her name but Mom didnt care about that... She regretted her decision when royal guards came and took her to a palace. She was put infornt of a queen with a silver staff. The queen demanded to know how Mom got her and freaked when she learned how. The queen put a curse on Mom that her kids would never be able to find her without more power than she(the queen) had.

Now this is where i believe all thw artifacts come into okay. The artifacts could be used togetherness in a final battle to take down the queen and lift Mom's curse as the artifacts fighting against each other was what opened the portal to this world.

And thats my Ted talk. Thats for listening to be info dump about things that will probably never exsist. Have a good day!


We don’t save people because they deserve it’s what where supposed to do -Shiloh Nelson💜


ilike the vids i was waiting for so long for a new vid i watch all the vids❤


I love zoetube! As soon as I saw her my jaw dropped in shock


This is my theory:

So, when they were making among us vids, that was their mom sending them on “missions” while she went on the real missions. She tasked them doing this so they’d be prepared when they get to go on real missions. But, she died or gone missing and left behind the headquarters for them. The group decided to take things into their own hands and continue their mother’s work. I believe that the scientist from the maze, is the one who made the tracker thing. The scientist was smart and hid it but the other guy found it. Now, in this video, they decided to help this world since they have experience from their last resturant video and more clues could hide her as their mother had gone to many different types of rayoes( I think that what they call them). The guy with the tracker couldn’t find their mother because she’s in another universe. She was called the Angel (I’m pretty sure that right) so she might’ve gone further than just their universe and found multiverses but never told her kids because she got stuck. Now they have to continue on their search reaching beyond their universe by accessing a secret code/ program.

This is just my theory and probably a lot a flaws in it. Pls tell in comments. It took me FOREVER to write this.❤
WAIT WAIT WAIT. I have an edit.
So idk if anyone remembers but in one of the vids it said someone was stealing worlds. So what if the mother went to a world and it got stolen? This is also one of my theories.
