More Valley seniors facing homelessness

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Data for Maricopa County shows more than 2,000 people experiencing homelessness are 55 or older in 2023, the first year age ranges were reported in the annual count.
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Most of this is due to housing costs. Low income housing is almost always given to young girls who are irresponsible and keep getting pregnant from loser guys rather than seniors. My father was 83 years old and no one could help with housing so my brother and I decided to rent an apartment and live with him until his passing in 2022. It's actually disgusting how seniors are treated.


So many reasons for all of this, the lack of housing building for 15 years is definitely part of it. I'm 69. When I was younger my friends and co workers laughed at me when I would pick up an extra shift a week to buy an affordable home that was easy to qualify for decades back in the day. I paid my 30 year mortgage off in 13 years, drove an old car, didn't go on vacations so I could save, invest, max out my 401K. My peers loved apartment living, the pool, hot tub, no responsibilities and never considered what will happen when they are older. I wonder where they are now.

How you live in your 20s, 30s and 40s will determine how you will live in your 50s, 60s and 70s.


This is so true! Many seniors in my complex are struggling to eat and pay for medicine., electric and gas. This is unexceptable! I live in a mobile home park, I own the home and my rent for this lot continues to go up! It's almost $1000 a month now. Although it's a senior park, many can no longer afford the rent and will actually have to forfeit there home and find other housing. So sad! Arizona needs to step up and create lots or housing for seniors.


Our gov't has billions to send to foreign countries but can't help senior citizens. Politicians should be ashamed of themselves but we all know they aren't.


Shelters are not the answer! Putting a bandaid temporarily is not fixing the problem! Food pantries are not the answer either. Most seniors would like to keep their dignity and pay their way. Unfortunately there is to much greed here. $1200 or $1400 a month for rent is not sustainable for most seniors living on a fixed income. Wake up America!


Please do not hand those resources over to illegals. We need to protect our homeless citizens who have paid into our tax system and those who have not. Things happen that sometimes cannot be avoided.


Having children and or home ownership is becoming unattainable / unaffordable / unsustainable


The first dude shouldn't have paid off his mothers medical debt. The hospitals don't need the money and their medical services should be free to citizens, paid for by the state. If the regime has $3000 dollars and hotel room money for every new immigrant, they can pay for homeless veterans and their families medical bills.
A mans tax money should not be taken from him and given to foreign men. It must go back into his community first and only once the citizens needs are met can charity be given to foreign peoples- or else the mans tax money should not be taken from him at all, being at that point theft and tribute, not a tax.


It's directly related to the ongoing cuts in section 8 since 1980. It's not going to get better until section 8 gets an infusion of benefits in order to raise senior and disabled section 8 benefits. We are one of the riches countries in the world but we can't house people in poverty, too old, or too disabled. It's outright embarrassing as a nation.


This is unacceptable in our country. 90 year old people on the streets? And neither of the presidential candidates have even talked about the issues of homelessness and the lack of mental health care services in this country.


Im really tired of people voting for this, and then complaining about it


America treats there seniors like trash. Horrible


Thanks overlords😢 Tax hikes for the rich and corporations...


For the ASYLUM SEEKERS from south of the border, healthcare (Medicaid), food (SNAP), room and board (housing), college tuition, monthly Social Security Income, and other benefits, & services are FREE indefinitely for them!


This is disgraceful.
This is the richest country in the world 🌍!


🇺🇲$95 Billion dollars given to Israel and Ukraine 🇮🇱🇺🇦.


The SOB politicians refuse to approve rent control. This is the real issue. Rents going up 40 percent in two years! Same here in NV.


If you can't work or have no money, then your life means nothing in the US.


Maybe our government should help out a little this is said


Is he obligated to pay his mother’s past debt?
