177 #Germany 1940 ▶ Victory over France - Adolf Hitler Return to Berlin (1) French/Western Campaign

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Germany 1940 ▶ Victory over France - Adolf Hitler Return to Berlin (Part 1) French Western Campaign - Frankreichfeldzug Westfeldzug
The Western Campaign of the German Wehrmacht in World War II, also called the French Campaign with reference to the main objective, is the successful offensive from May 10 to June 25, 1940 against the four neighboring countries to the west. Part of the offensive is known as the invasion of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Often referred to as the "Blitzkrieg," the campaign resulted in the defeat and occupation of the previously neutral Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg (Fall Gelb) and France (Fall Rot) within a few weeks. The final point was the Compiègne Armistice with France of June 22, which came into force three days later. Unexpectedly, the operational success of the Panzer and Luftwaffe forces led to a war of movement that marked a turning point in the history of the war by a rapid course. The war against Great Britain could now continue directly from the coast of the English Channel with the Battle of Britain by air and in naval warfare (Battle of the Atlantic). Two days after the German attack on Poland on September 1, 1939, France and the United Kingdom declared war on the German Reich; however, no serious offensive to relieve the Poles, who were under heavy pressure, took place either on the ground or in the air. France confined itself to an advance to within a few miles of the West Wall ("Saar Offensive"), and British Expeditionary Force (BEF) troops began to move into northern France. Attacks on targets in Germany planned by the Royal Air Force (RAF) were prohibited by the French, with reference to possible counterattacks. Following the military defeat of Poland, French Commander-in-Chief Maurice Gamelin took his troops back to the Maginot Line by mid-October 1939. The following months were referred to as the period of the Sitzkrieg (French: la drôle de guerre; English: Phoney War), as activity on both sides was limited to reconnaissance.
Der Westfeldzug der deutschen Wehrmacht im Zweiten Weltkrieg, auch Frankreichfeldzug unter Bezug auf das Hauptziel genannt, ist die erfolgreiche Offensive vom 10. Mai bis 25. Juni 1940 gegen die vier westlichen Nachbarstaaten. Ein Teil der Offensive ist als Überfall auf die Niederlande, Belgien und Luxemburg bekannt. Der häufig auch als „Blitzkrieg“ bezeichnete Feldzug führte zur Niederlage und Besetzung der bis dahin neutralen Staaten Niederlande, Belgien und Luxemburg (Fall Gelb) sowie Frankreichs (Fall Rot) innerhalb weniger Wochen. Den Schlusspunkt bildete der Waffenstillstand von Compiègne mit Frankreich vom 22. Juni, der drei Tage später in Kraft trat. Unerwartet führte der operative Erfolg der Panzer- und der Luftwaffe zu einem Bewegungskrieg, der durch einen rasanten Verlauf einen Wendepunkt der Kriegsgeschichte markierte. Der Krieg gegen Großbritannien konnte nun direkt von der Küste des Ärmelkanals mit der Luftschlacht um England und im Seekrieg (Atlantikschlacht) fortgeführt werden.
Zwei Tage nach dem deutschen Angriff auf Polen am 1. September 1939 erklärten Frankreich und das Vereinigte Königreich dem Deutschen Reich den Krieg; eine ernsthafte Offensive zur Entlastung der unter schwerem Druck stehenden Polen fand allerdings weder auf dem Boden noch in der Luft statt. Frankreich beschränkte sich auf ein Vorrücken bis einige Kilometer vor den Westwall („Saar-Offensive“) und es begann die Verlegung von Truppen des britischen Expeditionskorps (BEF) nach Nordfrankreich. Von der Royal Air Force (RAF) geplante Angriffe auf Ziele in Deutschland wurden von den Franzosen mit dem Hinweis auf mögliche Gegenangriffe untersagt. Nach der militärischen Niederlage Polens nahm der französische Oberbefehlshaber Maurice Gamelin seine Truppen bis Mitte Oktober 1939 wieder an die Maginot-Linie zurück. Die folgenden Monate wurden als die Zeit des Sitzkrieges (französisch la drôle de guerre; englisch Phoney War) bezeichnet, da sich die Aktivitäten auf beiden Seiten auf die Aufklärung beschränkten.

history, ww2, Germany, Frankreich, Hitler, Deutschland, victory, Paris, Berlin
#history #ww2 #France #Germany # Frankreich #Deutschland #military #worldwar2 #Hitler #wwii #simplehistory
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177 Germany 1940 ▶ Adolf Hitler Return to Berlin after Victory over France (Part 1) French Western Campaign - Frankreichfeldzug Westfeldzug


All of Germany must have felt invincible then. France and England had months to prepare for any kind of German attack and they still collapsed after a few weeks of fighting.


Imagine if i'm being a german at that time, i would be proud at him as a german and i would fight for fatherland


This was definitely the peak of his regime.


Imagine being a son that returns home after a summer at war.
Facing your father having now done what he and his generation failed to achieve.


Imagine being a homeless painter, seeing all the suffering Germany went through (losing the war, being broke, and being blamed for everything) and saying to yourself "ENOUGH!" Than you go out, become the leader and get revenge on the people who destroyed your nation!

You can't make this up!!!


This is pure gold ! The quality and rarerty of the videos is breathtaking!


can just imagine the adrenaline and high he must have been on at the time


This is quite possibly the greatest video I've ever seen in my life.


Perhaps it is not appropriate to say it here, but this was probably the highest point that Germany has reached in her entire History. After the tragedy of the Great War, the trauma and humiliation of Versailles, the decades of poverty, chaos, inflation, hopelessness and unemployment, Germany arrived at this glorious moment, where she had overcome every obstacle, defeated every enemy, standing tall and proud as the whole world watched in astonishment.

If only the war had ended then!

It is truly moving to see the entire German Volk, young and old, rich and poor, countrymen and city-dwellers, united by love to the nation and gratitude to its Leader. At the same time, it is sobering to think that over the next five years this same people would be subjected to brutal and unprecedented punishments at the hands of its enemies, with its beautiful cities destroyed, its proud Army vanquished, and its women defiled by hordes of merciless conquerors.

The history of the Third Reich seems to have been written by the gods themselves; it is more powerful than any Greek tragedy. To arrive at this moment of triumph and then lose it all is the greatest tragedy that I can imagine.


Every German should cherish this victories in WW2.


I totally love this video. Their editing & the background sound look so perfeck.


To imagine that this was real at one point is insane.


Für das Ende der Ausbeutung durch den Versailler Vertrag hat er diesen Empfang verdient.


Every german must be proud of this moment, but sorrily they feel ashamed of their history that has been distorted by the jews and the winners.


If only there was such a thing as a time machine...


I can just imagine how happy they all must have been that day after getting revenge on the French so quickly and easily despite all expecting it to be a rerun of the ww1 western front.


Even if its short lived...a victory is a victory and its etched in history...for good or bad. It taught the coloniolists a great lesson, else, South and East Asia wouldn't get Independence so quickly after WWII


Muss ein beeindruckendes und bewegendes Erlebnis gewesen sein. Zumindest aus deutscher Sichtweise.
Mit Sicherheit war bisher auch kein deutscher Politiker so beliebt wie er in diesen Tagen.
Traurig was danach dann alles geschehen ist.


The magnificent Germans were well-trained, and the men were amazing fighters. Thank you, Germany, for making the greatest of sacrifices to defend Europe. Heroes RIP
