Learn Delphi Programming | Unit 9.3| Annotating and Commenting Your Delphi Code

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A couple of months ago I had the opportunity to review some code that I wrote when I first started working with Delphi in the mid-90s. I hate to admit it but it was pretty bad. A very humbling experience for sure. My skills are vastly improved since that time. In fact, I've notice changes in just a few months. Have you ever gone back and looked at the code that you wrote six months ago? I bet that the thought going through your head was "What was I thinking? There is no way I wrote that."

If you ever had to debug your own code from a previous project I bet it was painful. It is even worse if you have to debug someone else's code. The only thing that can help the pain is good comments. Notice I said "good" comments. What does your code do?

You can write multi-line comments by enclosing the comment text between two braces or curly brackets or you can write single-line comments by starting your comment text with two forward slashes (//) on a blank line or after the line terminator (semi-colon) at the end of an instruction.


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other than that it looks very similar to other programming languages like CSS here
