🚒 Even Firefighters Get DUIs 🔥

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🚒 Even Firefighters Get DUIs 🔥

One time we represented a firefighter who had been a firefighter for over 20 years. He was the chief firefighter, and he knew the laws inside and out. But even good people make mistakes.

This firefighter's spouse had recently passed away, and he was going through emotional depression. He picked up a DUI, which happened to be a felony DUI because of a license suspension from a previous situation.

Even though this firefighter had served his community for over 25 years, he still got charged with a felony DUI. But we were able to get him a great outcome. He only had to serve a handful of days in jail, and then he was able to move on with his life.

This story shows that anyone can get a DUI, no matter who you are or what you do for a living. But it also shows that there is hope. Even if you're facing a felony DUI charge, there is a chance that we can get you a good outcome.

If you've been charged with a DUI, please don't hesitate to contact us for a free consultation. We're here to help you get through this difficult time.

📲 Call us: 602-833-1244

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Having seen the results of numerous DUI's and STILL DOING IT, he should have got the maximum.
Ex Fireman (Firefighters were a modern construct)


Were you expecting us to agree that that was a good outcome? He should serve the same sentence as anyone else. A DUI endagers the lives of others no matter who does it.


I wanna know how drunk he was first when driving


why should they have a better outcome than a "normal" person as you say?? you should try and get the best outcome no matter who you are representing. this is biased as hell. he should go to jail, DUIs are one of the most ridiculous things one can do. Are you Saul Goodman? lol


why should they get a leaner sentences. He comited a crime he should be punished
