UTS:ACRI - Are the best days of the Australia-China business and trade relationship over?

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Do rising geopolitical risks and a slowing economy in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) mean that the best days of the Australia-PRC business and trade relationship are over? That the PRC’s growth is becoming less resources-intensive, and consumer confidence remains tepid has been well documented. That said, for the time being at least the overall trade numbers remain resilient. Some exports that were previously hit with restrictive trade measures, like wine, are now booming. And in the other direction, imported electric vehicles from the PRC, led by BYD, have become a common sight on Australian capital city roads.
Getting a read on the state of play is challenging. The Australia-China Relations Institute at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS:ACRI) hosted a webinar with Ms Lauren Gilbert, Austrade Trade and Investment Commissioner in Guangzhou, Mr Vaughn Barber, Chair of AustCham China; and Mr Murray Davis, UTS:ACRI Adjunct Industry Fellow and Regional Manager - Greater China of Meat & Livestock Australia on a panel moderated by Professor James Laurenceson, UTS:ACRI Director, to provide an Australian, on-the-ground perspective on the business and trade risks and opportunities with the PRC, today and into the future.
Getting a read on the state of play is challenging. The Australia-China Relations Institute at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS:ACRI) hosted a webinar with Ms Lauren Gilbert, Austrade Trade and Investment Commissioner in Guangzhou, Mr Vaughn Barber, Chair of AustCham China; and Mr Murray Davis, UTS:ACRI Adjunct Industry Fellow and Regional Manager - Greater China of Meat & Livestock Australia on a panel moderated by Professor James Laurenceson, UTS:ACRI Director, to provide an Australian, on-the-ground perspective on the business and trade risks and opportunities with the PRC, today and into the future.
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