Why Not You.

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Why Not You?

A motivational story edited into a personal narrative about self belief and achieving your goals. If others can do it, Why Not You?

Featuring dialogue from speakers Jim Rohn, Kanye West, Steve Harvey, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and David Goggins.

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alvedon - retire (final)
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The Elon musk part got me, "I don't ever give up, I'd have to be dead or completely incapacitated to give up.." This is when you see it, discipline can do anything. If you really want it then get it, a failure is something you should learn of, it is a part of success.


My biggest dream is to become a doctor and travel around the world helping people, I don't even care abt money.
A few days ago I failed a test, an important one and I felt like giving up, I cried so bad for a week that my head hurt. I worked so bad for it and still didn't make it. I felt like a complete failure, I convinced myself that I can't make it, I don't have what's necessary.
I may not be a doctor today, I may not be a doctor tomorrow, but I will become one one day, I know that because nothing is ever going to stop me to achieve my dream.
Why not me


i’m finna listen to this every morning 😭 God created us with purpose


the truth is like a slap, it hurts but it brings you back to yourself...


Nice video for 4 a.m. and no sleeping, love my life, I promise I become who I want to stay


‘Why not see what kind of person you can become?’


Always work hard, be honest, and be proud of who you are.


I have been really down lately, having imposter syndrome about the person I want to become. I have been working to get there, and the more I think I am getting there, the more my mind probes me and convinces me that I am not worthy. This video brought tears to my eyes. I hope that a few years down the line, I will look back on this period in my life with gratefulness for this journey.


"Why not now" hit me right in the gut.


David goggins part "What if"...
What if I am the one who will become the strongest...
Most revolutionary... The best... Maybe a superhero...


Beautiful video, and beautiful message, man.
Thank you.


Find a cure for HSV-2 within the next 4 years (as a virologist, which I will be soon)
After those 4 years, be a SEAL
After 6 years of being a SEAL, come out and be a father and start a family
That's the plan for this decade for me.


If we’re able to think that it can’t be us we’re equally able to think that it can, indeed be us…

For years I’ve postponed trying to start a YouTube channel, often out of fear of being perceived, but I think that the fear is just directing me to a path that’s worth taking. At the end of the day, I can either do what I want to pursue with fear or never do what I’ve wanted to do and live with regret.

Everyone is deserving of fulfilling their dreams, bless you all 🙏🏼


Great compilation especially the beginning in synchronization with the end


To me, it's like you have 1, 000, 000 levels of frustration, and every day you say, "I'll be better and I'll start over, " one level of frustration disappears, but there are still 999, 999 levels of frustration left, and you don't know how many years you have left to be at level zero.


I am a person who often fails in life and has gone through many jobs and I hope that doing YouTube can help me develop myself in the future and this video of yours is my source of motivation. I I thank you very much


"the best time to start was yesterday, the second best is RIGHT NOW"


The fact we have to listen this instead of already realising it is really astonishing


Saturday night. There are only 30 hours left until my final national exam, which will determine my future. I know that there are many things about success that are not related to studying. But damn .. I was afraid the previous year and decided to repeat an entire year from the beginning to get a better point... Do you know what happened?? The school year passed quickly and I didn't feel that way. I followed nonsense again and followed myself and was not disciplined. Two years of my life were wasted. Just because of not taking responsibility. I feel sorry that I cannot make my father proud of me. I have become very afraid of exams because of the traumas I received. I was a girl who studied well but I am no longer the same. I have changed 180°
The problem is that I am just an introverted girl who does not go out with her friends, I just stay in the dark room
I don't enjoy my life and I don't study well. I really don't know who I am anymore
I feel like I'm dreaming. It's been two years now and I'm still in my place. I'm not ready for that exam and I don't know what will happen.


I want to become a cool dancer and I'll achieve this goal
Of course it's difficult but I'll do it✊🏽
