How To Learn English Grammar The NATIVE Way - Just VS Only

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Hi there!

I’m Drew Badger, the world’s #1 English Fluency Guide!

In this video, I’ll share a lesson my personal students really enjoyed that will help you better understand JUST and ONLY.

But please know that this video will focus on a SPECIFIC situation, because this is how NATIVES learn English.

Try to learn ALL of the uses of any vocabulary word in one video and you’ll only forget them…

But if you focus on a SPECIFIC SITUATION, you’ll remember what you learn so you always say the right thing at the right time.

Does that make sense?

Well, my wife and I have always had lots of conversations about language learning. I’m from the US, and she’s from Japan.

But we have even more discussions about words now that Aria, our three-year-old daughter, is really speaking a lot.

Recently, when my wife, Aria, my wife's parents and I were having dinner, Aria asked me what I was drinking.

When I told her, "Just water," a discussion began about translating that sentence into Japanese.

My wife's mother - who also knows quite a bit of English - asked if "only" could replace "just" in this case.

I explained that she could, but that the meaning COULD be slightly different.

"Just" and "only" CAN sometimes have the same meaning, which is why she asked.

An example of when they mean the same thing is when you want so say you have a small or limited amount of something:

"I JUST have 10 minutes to do my work."
"I ONLY have 10 minutes to do my work."

But when I told Aria I was "just" having water, this meant that the drink was NOTHING SPECIAL.

I wasn't drinking something more interesting like juice, wine or whatever.

I was "just" having water.

Now, you CAN use "only" in this situation, but "just" is much more common because the meaning is MORE CLEAR.

Imagine if you go to a friend's house and they ask you if you'd like something to drink. You could reply by saying "(Just) water is fine."

And you'd mean that YOU DON’T NEED ANYTHING SPECIAL OR FANCY because you don't want them to go through any trouble for you.

You're answering their polite offering with a polite response.

"Only water..." in this situation COULD have the same meaning, but it could ALSO mean that you can't or won't drink anything other than water.

See way natives prefer "just" in this situation?

So, if you're at a restaurant and your server asks you if you'd like anything to drink with your order, but you don't want anything special or interesting, you'd say:

"Just water, please."

Now, you try it!

May I bring you any beer or wine?

Just water, thanks!

Would you like some juice or a cocktail with dinner?

Just water, please!

You’re now a bit more fluent because you learned some spoken English the same way natives do.

Feels pretty good, right?

To finally reach fluency, all you have to do is REPEAT this process with more situations until you “FEEL” what’s correct automatically.

And this can happen much faster than most learners believe, even if you’ve struggled to get fluent for years!

Answer 5 quick questions and I’ll send you a free, PERSONALIZED guide that will help you start speaking more confidently, and like a native, TODAY!

You’re already feeling a bit more fluent with this simple video, and you’ll learn a LOT more about how to improve your fluency in your free, personalized guide.

Thanks for watching, and see you next time!

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Hi there!

I’m Drew Badger, the world’s #1 English Fluency Guide!

In this video, I’ll share a lesson my personal students really enjoyed that will help you better understand JUST and ONLY.

But please know that this video will focus on a SPECIFIC situation, because this is how NATIVES learn English.

Try to learn ALL of the uses of any vocabulary word in one video and you’ll only forget them…

But if you focus on a SPECIFIC SITUATION, you’ll remember what you learn so you always say the right thing at the right time.

Does that make sense?

Well, my wife and I have always had lots of conversations about language learning. I’m from the US, and she’s from Japan.

But we have even more discussions about words now that Aria, our three-year-old daughter, is really speaking a lot.

Recently, when my wife, Aria, my wife's parents and I were having dinner, Aria asked me what I was drinking.

When I told her, "Just water, " a discussion began about translating that sentence into Japanese.

My wife's mother - who also knows quite a bit of English - asked if "only" could replace "just" in this case.

I explained that she could, but that the meaning COULD be slightly different.

"Just" and "only" CAN sometimes have the same meaning, which is why she asked.

An example of when they mean the same thing is when you want so say you have a small or limited amount of something:

"I JUST have 10 minutes to do my work."
"I ONLY have 10 minutes to do my work."

But when I told Aria I was "just" having water, this meant that the drink was NOTHING SPECIAL.

I wasn't drinking something more interesting like juice, wine or whatever.

I was "just" having water.

Now, you CAN use "only" in this situation, but "just" is much more common because the meaning is MORE CLEAR.

Imagine if you go to a friend's house and they ask you if you'd like something to drink. You could reply by saying "(Just) water is fine."

And you'd mean that YOU DON’T NEED ANYTHING SPECIAL OR FANCY because you don't want them to go through any trouble for you.

You're answering their polite offering with a polite response.

"Only water..." in this situation COULD have the same meaning, but it could ALSO mean that you can't or won't drink anything other than water.

See way natives prefer "just" in this situation?

So, if you're at a restaurant and your server asks you if you'd like anything to drink with your order, but you don't want anything special or interesting, you'd say:

"Just water, please."

Now, you try it!

May I bring you any beer or wine?

Just water, thanks!

Would you like some juice or a cocktail with dinner?

Just water, please!

You’re now a bit more fluent because you learned some spoken English the same way natives do.

Feels pretty good, right?

To finally reach fluency, all you have to do is REPEAT this process with more situations until you “FEEL” what’s correct automatically.

And this can happen much faster than most learners believe, even if you’ve struggled to get fluent for years!

Answer 5 quick questions and I’ll send you a free, PERSONALIZED guide that will help you start speaking more confidently, and like a native, TODAY!

You’re already feeling a bit more fluent with this simple video, and you’ll learn a LOT more about how to improve your fluency in your free, personalized guide.

Thanks for watching, and see you next time!


Your guide to learning natural English is awsome. And thank for the beautiful video as well.


bruh watching your videos week before.i find your lessons more fasinating n helpful than others videos tht i had watched really grateful to have tutor like you.n i want you to make video on passive n active because i ain't get this things yet.i need practice patner from here it would be helpful if i could get someone with whom i can make conversation.


It's a treasure hoy can continue learning thanks, so much.


I really enjoy your video, ...keep up the good work


Best ever thanks a lot .... ones I travel and settle down I Would be so happy to join your program....
I'VE been learning a lot and following your YouTube channel and interesting about all your emails....thank you Sir


You are an excellent teacher
Millions of thanks from Athens Greece !
My best regards and my love to your beautiful wife and daughter !!!


I Love your videos!! Greetings from Turkey


Wow nice video thank you sir...
Regards binny


Hello, does anyone can suggests a youtube channel that teaches German like this?
Thank you.


nice tip! when do i say "only", then?


I really feel comfortable for readind writting and even listening the language
But when it become speaking for some one l frightened and things slept my mind immediately
Any Way i’ll go an extra mile in order to make a diffrence


Drew I hav always wanted speak english fluently...need your help


Hi, I understand all videos, but when I try to speak I can not speak fast because I forget some words


When I begin to speak english, kind of frustration comes automatically, which disturbs me alot.. what's the problem it is . Sir !


When I speak I cant find words in my head Why plse help me I am very frustrated and sad ....despite I can understand very well .


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