Dark Electronic Mix for Focus, Stress and Anxiety - SMR Isochronic Tones 12-15Hz

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Dark electronic mix with SMR (Sensorimotor Rhythm) isochronic tones. A versatile and useful frequency range that can be helpful for many different purposes, including increasing focus, anxiety and depression relief and other health or sleep issues. More info below.

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This video/audio can be used in multiple ways and has many different potential benefits, so please read this description to find out how it can help you and how to use it.

What does this video/audio do?

The isochronic tones beat at a rate of between of 12-15Hz, throughout the video. When referring to brainwave activity, the 12 to 15Hz range is known as SMR (Sensorimotor Rhythm). The tones work to stimulate your brainwaves and increase activity within this SMR range, which offers many potential benefits.

How can you use it and benefit from it?

Focus - Use as a study aid

12-15Hz is at the bottom of the Beta range. Increasing low Beta wave activity can increase focus, but as it's not too intense, it can be used as a general study aid to boost concentration.

Stress, Depression and Anxiety

12-15Hz is a good mid-frequency range which can be helpful in reducing anxiety and stress or relieving the symptoms of depression. Depression usually produces more slow-wave brain activity, whereas anxiety and stress produce more high-frequency activity. If you suffer from both these conditions, it's often a good strategy to try and guide your dominant brainwave activity into this more centred 12-15Hz area.


Increasing low Beta activity can be helpful for boosting your mood without being too intense.

Health and Sleep

EEG research has found that elite athletes and very fit and healthy people tend to produce a higher amount of SMR activity, while people who are ill, unfit or who suffer from various disorders like insomnia and ADHD are consistently found to have much lower levels of SMR. So an increased level of SMR brain activity is generally linked with a healthy body and mind.

If you suffer from insomnia, the idea is to boost your natural levels of SMR activity by listening during the daytime, not at night while you sleep. I don't recommend listening to this just before bedtime, as it may disrupt your sleep.

How To Use It?

Listen to this any time during the daytime or early evening, to help boost the natural levels of SMR frequencies in your brain. It's a long 3-hour track, for those people who want a longer session, but you don't have to listen all the way through. If you're using it for a shorter time period, I would recommend you listen to it for at least 15 minutes.

Headphones Are NOT required

How Loud Should The Volume Be?

Adjust the volume to a level that you are comfortable with, which will vary depending on your equipment.

Original music/artist credit: Victoriya

For you
Autumn Air
Two Years
You Left Me
Рекомендации по теме

Wow, this is practically custom ordered for me! ADHD is the undiagnosed root of much depression and anxiety.


To everyone watching this while working to better themselves for those you love, I see you. You are killing it. Keep up the fantastic work.


Having ADD this one saves my ass every day at my current job. Why doesn't it have millions of clicks? Thanks Jason!


Using this track for months - for calming down while being still productive. It is a miracle!


Finishing my first semester of a very difficult and demanding accelerated nursing program, these tracks help me pick up my never-ending work and keep going. When I am dragging mentally and don't know where to start I often start here, this channel has become part of my routine and before I know it I am feeling better. I tell every student that I study with to look you up and when we are in groups I play your work in the background softly. I believe in you and your work <3


Is there a "love" button? I need a better button than "like" for this. Thank you, Jason!


Got my diagnosis almost 2 years ago in the mid 30s after a heavy mental breakdown. Since that I feel like learning to walk again, to talk, even to think. Your music helps me so much when I feel lost and unfocused that I wish I could make it like the constant background music in my head. Thank you so very much from the deepest of my soul.


Your music has helped me so much this year. It's taken me through university finals, graduate job applications and now it's helping me while I prepare a presentation for my interview. I've felt very anxious through all these things and wanted to give up but your music has helped keep me calm and focused. Thank you Jason, from the bottom of my heart!


Jason, this mix is amazing! Thank you for making mixes that are both interesting to listen to and help to focus. You are a wizard.


Hands down Jason's isochronic mixes have done more for my peace of mind sometimes than all the medication I take. They've become a go-to in stressful work situations, calming every day anxieties and in helping me feel a connection to my own body. I don't know how it all works, but Jason does, and that's enough. Physically these mixes sometimes feel like a warm shower to my soul, bridging the gap between one synapse to the next, firing gently and smoothly, relaxing involuntary impulses and releasing some sort of seratonic until. WTF. It works. I love it. Rock on, dude. We support you and you are destined for great things. Wait and see!🌈


I love the sense of depth this makes me feel. And the imagery with the echo creates a sense of every person serving the biggest machine humans created which is society.


Its like you read my mind man ... This is just what was needed. And to everyone else here - you're not alone! You can do this! You ARE worth it! You're doing great.


This track is my ABSOLUTE favorite! I am a HUGE fan of yours, Jason. I listen to your creations every day. I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to do what you do and for sharing it with the world. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


So, quick story: I haven't read any books for quite some time. I heard about a book called The Night Circus and decided to check it out. I also found this mix at the same time. Well, I listened to this mix while I read that entire book, I was enthralled and enchanted the entire time; it was glorious. Now I'm reading her next book: The Starless Sea.

So... long story short: I recommend those books and I recommend this mix - just awesome!


this is hands down THE best video to help me focus when i want to read for an extended period of time. IT'S AMAZING.


This mix has been a lifesaver. Dark Electronic is my vibes, and you've been playing while I've been working on some artwork. I'm overcoming traumas surrounding my artwork due to teachers that bullied and belittled me, so this mix has been an answered prayer in helping me to focus & heal while I create some new artwork. Thank you so much, and I am very thankful that you exist! ✨🩷✨


Stuck inside with school work on Memorial Day … this helps the vibes


Jason, thank you. I have a job with some administrative aspects where I just have to dig in and get them done. You always have a mix that helps with the task in hand. Helps me focus and alleviates the monotony. So cheers and all the best.


This is such a beautiful track. It's mellow and deep, but keeps you engaged with what you're trying to focus on. My favorite so far..


I may have coffee to wake my body up in the morning but your videos help to wake up my mind
