What if Allosaurus was brought to the modern day?

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have large batches of offspring relatively frequently would somewhat diminish humans ability to hunt them to extinction.

(This is a reupload due to audio issues in the first upload)
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Allosaurus’ eggs would likely fall prey to rats and crows. There’s a reason why ostriches are notoriously territorial.


I'm drunk and I just wanna say you're doing all right my man. Allosaurus is my favourite dinosaur.


I gotta disagree on lions going extinct, they'd just shift to favor zebra and wildebeast. And I'm fairly sure a herd of cape buffalo would very quickly learn to mob and gore young allosaur to death as an instinct, like they do with lions already.


I'm afraid there is no doubt that if Allosaurus had made it to the modern day that it would have become a prime target for trophy hunters and poachers. Poachers may have killed it for depleting the supply of elephants with their valuable ivory. Not sure if Allosaurus teeth would have attained anything near the value of ivory.


One thing to note, is that poachers, which are common in the Savannah, would probably see Allosaurus as a new source of income, and start hunting them. Because they reproduce fairly quickly, this would not be as devastating to them as it is for other large animals. But it would still likely be one of their most common causes of death.


I'd be interested if a spinosaurid could survive in todays habitats. I could see baryonyx surviving in the amazon, or suchomimus stalking the shallow waters of rivers.


The local humans would gun them down ruthlessly, Allosauruses would see them as too much of a threat to allow.


Keep in mind that juvenile allosaurus would need to reach adulthood in an environment where many other large and successful predators hunt in packs and their young get to freeload their way to adulthood. Allosaurus may have had parental care but this likely didn't include complete food provisioning and young would likely be hunting for themselves. Given they are slower than most other African predators, the risk of the young becoming prey is probably a serious concern.


I'd love to see more videos about what would hypothetically happen if a prehistoric animal was in a modern day environment. Like what if Utahraptors lived in the forests of Northwestern U.S? What if Mosasaurus swam the waters of the Pacific? What if Hatzegopteryx soared through the skies of today?


You seem to think that the Allosaurus would actually stay the size it was. Due to the scarcity of large prey animals it would shrink to make sure there would be enough food. Dinosaurs have done this in the past and have shown that it really doesn't take long.


My favorite dinosaur was pretty good at coexisting with other theropods in the Jurassic, so I'm quite sure that leopards and hyenas might coexist with it quite well due to niche partitioning. Additionally, the size difference between lions and Allosaurus would be severe enough to consider their niches as separate ones, as lions could hunt smaller prey while Allosaurus would be limited to the largest animals.


Allosaurus is definitely an interesting predator for the Savannah, it's a powerful animal while being more flexible than its megatherapod counterparts.

As for other dinosaurs to introduce, Tyrannosaurus for doesn't have the speed to outright catch most of the prey items in the Savannah, but it does seem to be more of an endurance hunter. It also has a lot of soft factors like large eyes and padded feet. Still, it wouldn't have had the concealment it had in the swampy Hell Creek formation.

Predators that intrests me more in this regard are carnivores like Ceratosaurus, Carnotaurous, Dilophosaurus, Azardarkids, or the moderate size Tyrannosaurs like Albertosaurus or Nanuqsaurus.


The main problem for Dinosaurs in the modern age is that modern prey animals have adapted speed instead of size as main defense against predators.
Scavenging from other predators rely on them allowing it to happen as it's quite likely that modern predators will learn to move elsewhere if they smell an Allosaurus being in the area and that would leave it to rely on itself for hunting again leading to eventual starvation.

Taking on the larger and slower animals like Elephants and Rhinos comes with the real risk of injury making future hunts even harder, even if that fight is won.

I think the big land crocodilians would fare better as they don't need to eat as often so could both survive longer on scavenging and need to successfully hunt less often.

Pterosaurs being strategically mobile would also do well, even if the giant ones would suffer from us humans not liking things that puts us on the menu.


Lions would do fine in this scenario since they rarely or almost never hunt adult rhinos, hippos and elephants. A giant predator like allosaurus would just hunt the big guys of the African continent while lion will continue to hunt their usual prey added with the allosaurus bullying from time to time🤔

Honestly it would be a balanced echo system and adult elephants can finally have something to fear for other then humans finely 😂


It would probably decimate the giraffe population.


Me: tonight i will go sleep early
Also me at 2:15am:


If Allosaurus was somehow brought into modern day. Whether or not it gets to continue to exist would be entirely up to us. As such a large predator that could roam anywhere and unlikely to be scared off as easily as most mammalian predators it would be gone within a month of discovery.


Allosaurus lived during a time of higher oxygen levels in the air. If it was brought to the modern day environment, it would soon die of oxygen shortage, similar to altitude sickness.


I feel like they would absolutely terrorize Nile Crocodiles. A full grown Nile can get up to 1700 pounds. Just imagine one sunning itself and getting ambushed before its slow ass could get into the water. It would be like Jaguars hunting caimans in South America.


The documentary "Valley of Gwangi" showed us that an Allosaurus would easily pone an elephant then sit on a church organ before ultimately being burnt alive in that church.
