I Don't Want To Be a Practicing Nurse Anymore & That's Okay | Break Room Chat

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I don't want to be a nurse anymore, and I think that's okay. Being an NP was my job; it's not who I am. There are many people who see nursing as their calling and who they are, and to them I say, that's awesome. But for others like me, it really is just a job, and it can be hard to fight against the guilt we put on ourselves and other people put on us when we decide, you know, maybe this isn't for me after all.

Working in healthcare, especially right now, is HARD. And it's okay to admit you can't hack it or that you want to try something else, like I did. You should not feel guilty that you need or want to try something else because, friend, it is OKAY to change your mind and pivot. It's OKAY to rethink what you want to do and who you want to be. It's OKAY to do what is best for you.

Remember: You can do hard things!




Also feel free to leave any suggestions for things you'd like to see incorporated into the Lecturio app!







Check out my featured nonprofit Champions Do Overcome at their socials where you can donate to family's afflicted by pediatric cancer and learn more about founder Cody's inspiring walk across the United States!



Hi! I'm Liz, a Family Nurse practitioner, former pediatric nurse and mom of two. My goal here is to share information about the nursing profession, and share life as a working mom along the way!




I started this channel because I wanted other working moms, nurses, nurse practitioner students, nursing students, and whoever else to know that you CAN do school, life and work! I'd love to hear your stories of how you combine your personal interests with your family life! You are doing great things, and I hope you remember that!

Back to baking with my babies! Today we are making a rainbow sprinkle birthday cake for my two year old!

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#fnp #npstudent #nurseliz #familynursepractitioner #nursingschool #lifepivot
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I’ve been a nurse for a year and a half and the thing is, I’m a good nurse. I have the compassion, skill and the honesty. The problem is… it takes too much out of you. Mentally and Physically. So I completely understand your take. A lot of people who leave are great nurses it just wears and tears you like crazy. Even after just a short time working as one.


I’m a paramedic who was accepted into a bridge program for RN. I withdrew from the program. Even though I enjoy medicine and taking care of patients. I could not bring myself to accept losing my mental and physical health in school studying 5-8 hours a day losing sleep for a healthcare system that truly does not care about patients like I do. Do I regret withdrawing? Honestly, I’m not sure. I think about it daily at times but I’m not sure. I’m 28 years old. I’m getting up in age and need to figure out my career plan. I work for a fire department right now but I know I want out. I just want a career that I’m not losing myself in the process for a system that is broken.


Excellent video 👏🏼 I'm a nurse working in a hospital. I've been doing this for 10 years and I'm so over it. I feel what you said so deeply. The YouTube algorithm brought me here lol.

I've been comparing nursing to a toxic relationship. It constantly abuses you (verbally, physically, mentally), but gives you just enough so you feel like you can't find better anywhere else. I'm so tired of feeling trapped 🤦🏽‍♀️


I’m so glad you made this video. There is a toxic culture in nursing of “once a nurse, always a nurse” in quite a literal meaning. You are allowed to move on from that chapter in your life. I believe a lot of the negativity is truly from jealousy and mutual unhappiness, and you are allowed to have different careers in your lifetime. You are allowed to pívot your career, change your specialty, and even jump into a whole new path. Know there are people out here that support your movement and growth ❤️


I needed this. I just transitioned into a wound care role because I hated being a nurse, thinking that it would be the next best thing for me. Nope. I still hate nursing. Well not hate, I severely dislike the field. It gives me more anxiety and depression. I'm going to school to get a Culinary Arts degree and be a private Chef for a while. You literally were my prayer last night. I needed direction and guidance and I'm ready to just dive deep into my next best thing. I would rather be home with my kids, cook with them and enjoy life rather than do nursing. I want to eventually open my own restaurant which has always been my dream! You're absolutely right. I have to do this fearlessly!


I’ve been a nurse for over 45 years and an AGACNP for 25 years. I quit three years ago due to a cancer diagnosis. Once through treatment I decided to work in a free clinic. Since, I’ve felt so free. There is so much need in my community and I can choose how I deliver care and education. Lots of doors are able to be opened. Good luck.


This is absolutely me! I just quit graduate school, halfway through, with a 4.0 gpa to move into tech. I’ve been a nurse for 9 years now and I’m just done! Major kudos to anyone who is unhappy and decides to take the leap to step away.


Honestly, I believe the way we’ve been treated by large corporations due to their greed, has had a lot of influence on nurses wanting to leave. But it’s not just nursing that’s all to blame but rather the greed that employers have.


This video spoke to me. I’ve been an RN for 10 years. I had a very hard time in nursing school (pregnant, abusive relationship, then single mom), it was a struggle to graduate.
Being a nurse was a huge part of my identity. It was who I was, but truth be told, I hated it. I had anxiety going into work every time. I was mentally and physically exhausted.
The pandemic made me reevaluate everything. I quit and I now work from home as a nurse care manager. Best decision I’ve ever made, but I know people look at me like I’m not “a real nurse”, or I wasn’t strong enough to handle it.
Whatever. I am happier now and that’s all that matters.
It takes courage to take this step . I’m glad you’re talking about it. I hope more nurses will be encouraged to let go of titles and expectations and just focus on what makes them happy.


Major shout out to my sister Erin who sent me this video and who was also brave enough to walk away from this soul sucking profession. I have witnessed the joy she exudes as a result. She is now able to pour into herself and focus on the things that resonate with her spirit. Watching her and being revived in this video is giving me the courage I need to step away as well especially after my Dr informed me that my own health is suffering as a result. Ten years in ICU/Trauma and I have gained nothing but PTSD/depression, back pain and time that I can never get back with my baby & husband. I want to be free from this…


I left nursing after four years. I still work in healthcare, but on the IT side now and it is so much more sane. There are days when I miss interacting with patients, but it's not worth it for all the grief and poor quality of life I was dealing with.


There are many nurses that SHOULD do this. Too many nurses in bedside care that don’t want to be there which projects onto their patients and fellow nurses. I’m so sick of people doing what they don’t want to do and then take it out on everyone else. Kudos to you for reflecting and doing what’s best for you.


I've been a nurse for 18 years. This year, I've decided to change career to a completely different field. To be honest, my parents convinced me to be a nurse. It was not my decision. I felt guilty at first, however I realize that there are many ways to help people!!!


This is so very true. I worked as an Rn for 32 years until I became disabled. I loved being a nurse but it in retrospect I paid a high price spiritually, mentally, and physically. Compassion fatigue is so real. I kept trying different areas in nursing in order to find some type of work life balance. It just wasn't there. The industry and your peers would guilt you because you wouldn't work extra when called. Nursing is like nothing else. So much responsibility falls to the nurse with little support from the industry. No we are dealing with med errors being criminalized! There's really no incentive the be a nurse anymore.


I've been a nurse for 21 years and finally left when I was furloughed in April 2020. I'm never looking back and love my life as a business owner helping other nurses start their own businesses. Looking back, I've always wanted to leave. In my first year of nursing, I left and went to work at Target. I should have followed my first instinct and left earlier!


In a similar place, but not an NP, I am an RN. I honestly have not liked any nursing jobs I have had, but I don't know what else to do... Maybe you should interview some people from other career fields like engineering, IT etc and run them on your Channel. I tell my mom how bad nursing is and why I keep quitting nursing jobs and going back to EMS, and she keeps saying "you just need to suck it up!". Non nurses don't get it!! Thanks for the video!


I can totally relate. I have an AA in Public Policy, a BA in Psychology and obtained my MS in Assistive Technology Studies & Human Services back in December 2020. All that schooling and I'm currently holding a government position that only requires a high school diploma. I get crap from family and friends, but my mental health, the amazing pay and benefits outweigh any negativity thrown my way. All in all, always DO YOU! It's okay to change your mind!


I think this video is awesome for anyone who needs to hear it. I am a bedside nurse and getting up and going to work to becoming more and more difficult. MY body aches and my mind is unfocused. We work so hard in a broken system, with management that doesn't care about us, patients that think we are their servants and a hospital system built solely on prophet. I support anyone who wants to follow their happiness. This world is filled with too many people that just work for the check.


Hey Liz, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for this video. Watching this really touched my heart. I'm an NYC bedside nurse who was diagnosed with PTSD from the pandemic hitting us healthcare workers horribly. I ended up getting covid, ended up in ICU, luckily I survived. Have been on leave for a year, going back to work next week, and I'm completely done with nursing. I'm saddened because I worked really hard in school and really enjoyed learning nursing but realized that this healthcare SYSTEM as a whole is corrupted and runned by MBA. To be honest when I start seeing (specifically the hospital setting) the decisions administrators make that hurt patients and nurses, I begin to understand that this is a business and the goal of any business is to profit and to profit more every year passing. I already told my manager that I will be giving her my letter of resignation on my first day back. I already applied to an agency that does per diem positions for NYC schools. A friend does this job and she says she "loves" it and how low the stress is. I'm having a hard time quitting my hospital job, not sure why the internal struggle. I feel "bad" for quitting nursing. I feel like I'm giving up on my patients, on the amazing people that are suffering from illness, giving up on my amazing fellow nurses. I'm realizing that the truth is that this healthcare system won't allow me to be there for my patients and for myself. And I am learning to choose ME first. My cup must be full before I can pour it onto others. I am PIVOTING into real estate now. I'm currently working with real estate investors and agents and working to leave nursing altogether. THANK YOU LIZ. I needed to see this video. I need to be OKAY with leaving nursing. I should be HAPPY to leave nursing because it taught me so much and it will allow me to take that same work ethic and put it into another career. What is also tough is hearing my parents saying I'm making a wrong decision but I ask myself this life-changing question, "IF I LOVE MYSELF TRULY AND DEEPLY, WOULD I DO THIS". The truth is if I love myself I would leave nursing. I need to choose ME, I need to listen to MY heart, I need to PRIORITIZE MYSELF. Just thinking about going back to work there is this knot in the chest and full of anxiety. That would not be choosing me. I'm learning that you are on the right path if what you are doing brings you joy. THANK YOU LIZ for this video. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!


Thank you for this video. You are not alone. Who cares what others say, you have one life to live. Failure is staying in a career that’s not satisfying for the sake other’s options.
