Laravel Splade - Table Component (DataTables auto-fill, search, sorting, pagination, and more!)
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Splade has an advanced Table component that supports auto-fill, searching, filtering, sorting, toggling columns, and pagination. It's fully integrated and doesn't require any additional dependencies. Though optional, it integrates beautifully with Spatie's Laravel Query Builder.
0:00 Introduction
0:38 Users table
1:54 Pagination
2:25 Sorting
4:39 Search Inputs
5:31 Global Search
6:49 Toggle Columns
7:15 Select Filters
8:22 Clickable Rows
9:25 Custom Cells
10:50 Striped Layout
11:00 End
0:00 Introduction
0:38 Users table
1:54 Pagination
2:25 Sorting
4:39 Search Inputs
5:31 Global Search
6:49 Toggle Columns
7:15 Select Filters
8:22 Clickable Rows
9:25 Custom Cells
10:50 Striped Layout
11:00 End
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