The Most UNIQUE Thing About Classic Raiding (that no one talks about)

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During Classic WoW, we found out that the raiding content wasn't quite as hardcore as it was made out to be. What exceeded expectations however is just how hard it was to actually get to raid in one piece.
This is why Classic Vanilla WoW was the game where getting to raid was harder than the raids themselves.

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I’ll never forget my first raid with a “semi hardcore” guild I applied and got accepted for. I was fully world buffed, all consumes, meticulously planned. It was AQ so I hit my gadgetzan teleport and behold, I drew the unlucky roll and was sitting high above Gadget about to fall to my death. I am freaking out but remembered I had noggenfogger knowing I would only get one chance for the slow fall, so I hit it and by some lucky chance I get it. I was so grateful because showing up to my first raid without buffs with that guild would have been very emberassing and might have gotten me kicked


i remember being full world buffed and watching every corner just to get dispelled right at the entrance of molten core lol


I was on Whitemane when P2 dropped. Luckily, I had already hit level 60 and was almost done farming my pre-bis for MC. My guild, Acquired Taste, would meet up at Thelsamar and ride south into the Searing Gorge, then into BRM. We had so many epic battles in our way to MC. We would sometimes go alone or combine with other alliance guilds heading to raid in order to “break the siege” upon the mountain. Sometimes we were very successful taking little to no casualties, other times we would get battered, and a few times we got wiped. Usually, the latter was due to a pincer move by the Horde.

At the time it was fun as first, then yeah it did start to get annoying when you wanted to test your dps limits (I was a Hunter), but looking back I think those memories were amongst the most epic I ever had during Classic.


I'll always remember running from SW mage tower with 3 undead rogues behind me, knowing in a few seconds I'd lose my buffs, the time and gold I spent getting them, and won't enjoy the whole raid night anymore.
I'll probably also remember the joy I felt if we all wiped on the 1st boss anyway...


Being an alliance rogue and having your hiding spot underneath Orgrimmar found out and playing games of hide in seek to get warchiefs blessing was def a special type of gameplay 😂. Then wearing some of your tier 1 on accident that has shadow resistance on it so you resist mind control 3 times in a row and miss the buff right before raid. Ohh boy 😂


Classic classic is by far the most fun ive ever had in a game. There was always so much to do and you remembered people alot more often. You knew who griefed, Where they griefed, Who sold buffs, which buffs they sold, Who were hardcore pvpers and who were parse gods. The game was fantastic.


I was in a medium population server back in original vanilla and I'll never forget the two rogues that would often pester us entering BRM on raid nights, but that was a minor nuisance compared to the sweaty, borderline grief-wars going on in Classic! I never enjoyed getting opened up on by a couple of stealthed rogues, but I felt like a real scout when I would catch them with a flare and mark them for death!


I hated world buffs themselves, but I loved the WPVP drama they created. Grobb was a beautiful sea of green red and white. Red and green as far as the eyes could see.


It is worth mentioning that there were also a summoning spot back in phase 3 for BWL. The glitch started at the right corner of the room with the portal to UBRS/LBRS, you can use a potion of growth (one with deviate fish) and instantly logout, and for some reason it pushed you to the roof of this room above the textures. There you could summon raiders with the worldbuffs, and they could run above the corridor of death and jump straight at the entrance to the Orb room. So you could compliment the run to the orb with an invisibility potion or some distraction, and that would give you nearly 95% survival chance.
On the Earthshaker we had horde dominating the BWL entrance typically, so ally discovered the summoning spot and tried to have it concealed until AQ40. Horde tried to break through, but with no coordinated attempt it worked out pretty well. Also, a good note was people selling out a new-found summoning spots for a nice profit to other guilds.


>raids were easy
>you NEEDED world buffs to raid

This doesn't really make sense lol


love these videos, crazy how this channel blew up, i love just questing slowly and watching class videos or videos like this, vanilla was so qwerky, and i think the world, good or bad would be in a much worse place, i am sad i stopped leveling at 22 on my rogue, but i'm on ERA servers atm and just enjoy watching these whilst questing


being basically an arena only player im surprised how much i enjoyed classic wow. It really was alot of fun being apart of a guild and everyone helping each other


Classic raiding for me was about chill social times with the friends. Yes it's braindead and mountains of trash. Yes it's all about grinding prep for the raid before the raid itself. Yes staying awake can be a challenge when on farm status. But being super powered up from a zillion consumes and raid buffs felt strong. The challenge was also more like a hardcore challenge, not dying not just during but before, just getting to raid safely on a PvP server could be challenging. I love all the immersive slow grind of classic, the dangers, the risk, the time consuming nature, the chill relaxed socialising, the weird strats and group comps, it's all part of the unique experience.


To enter BWL you could get a character on top of the walkway leading towards the orb. We've had multiple low level warlocks with hundreds of shards there to summon everyone safely and then simply jump down through the ceiling and click the orb. Clever use of game mechanics ;)


I loved these sort of stuff in classic, even though how frustrating losing world buffs was. Gathering at flight point and traveling as group. There definitely was griefing aspects - there were people who made themselves known by being pricks. One such case is a guild waiting logged out at Yojimbo isles. When alliance got their buff, they logged in en-masse and attacked while people were waiting/casting portals. Apparently they had been paid by alliance guild to do that.

AQ40 and Naxx were much easier at times. People managed to get in... creative places with warlocks (inside AQ40 gate wall, under Naxx portal or on mushroom), behind instance portal of Dire Maul when getting world buffs. However, being PvP servers, they occasionally were killed and you had to, for example, travel from Aerie Peak, passing through mountains, circling around Caer Darrow lake and going to eastern plaguelands, where you'd turn left jump over the mountains and head to entrance. Sometimes safest way was like that.

If I ever start again in classic vanilla, I'd still play on PvP. Just makes interactions in world more interesting, although there is issue of faction balance. It became more pronounced for us at end of vanilla/TBC, where we had to skip town because of our faction represented 5% of player population.
Although, miss me with world buffs. I imagine it'd kill lot of this sort of PvP since there is no real risk or reward (outside of honor, but people didn't world pvp for honor after p2).


I absolutely HATED the World Buffs which mostly came from the whole Min Max thing EVEYRONE had to follow.
Every time I had to collect the WB I would only get the minimum required by my guild. Warchief, Dragon and Songflower. I only got others if I had time to spare or it was safe to get them.
The other part about it I hated was, that after you got them all, you had to log out of your main char. You had to safe the time on your WB so now you could either play on an alt or stop playing the
The Best part of TBC was the removal or not required to gather WB's for raids.


We used to summon people on top of the AQ40 gates (behind the portal) and if you managed to jump correctly you would hit the portal and zone in. For Naxx we had summons on top of the spires/tentacles of the ziggurat and then jump down the hole to zone in. Risky, someone always died but it was good enough


I liked the Phase 2 a lot. Was ganked through vanish by like 20 alliance in Felwood, was scary as hell. Ganked the BRD entrance as 4 rogues squad, ran around as Naxx geared warrior, done all of it. Wish I had tried the Shadow Priest and the Mage, alas.
Yet I kinda enjoyed the clueless PvP and ganking during the first two years of Vanilla the most, was really the best years to enjoy the best online game ever made.


Excited for the one hour asmon reaction


We'd have a warlock jump up the side of the Naxx portal and summon our whole raid ontop of the portal in Eastern Plaguelands, if you fell off the top without directly landing inside the were ganked by 5 rogues and your hard earned world buffs were now gone....
