#ImAGunOwner: How To Defeat the Anti-Gun Rhetoric That We Are The Enemy

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#ImAGunOwner: Defeat the Anti-Gun Rhetoric That We Are The Enemy

Please use the #ImAGunOwner and post your own videos explaining that we are just normal, Law Abiding Citizens that own guns.

Ghost Tactical Productions
Credit: Trey Miller


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Credit: Trey Miller

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Please post your own #ImAGunOwner video!


This was a good video Trey. It covered a lot, in a short amount of time, and didn't discount that there are the various reasons that so many people want to keep their guns and so many different approaches to being an activist (for those who are). We are not criminals. We are normal citizens. We do normal things. It didn't turn into a rant (I am guilty of too many of those). I have been wanting to hear this sort of message for weeks. Thanx for posting this.


There’s some work to do. On Facebook the only posts I can find using that hash tag are ones supporting gun control by supposed gun owners.
