Chanakya's teachings Best collection Ever MUST WATCH FOR EVERY INDIAN!!

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0:08 Lesson 1
0:38 Lesson 2
1:56 Lesson 3
3:19 Lesson 4
4:15 Lesson 4
4:41 Lesson 5
5:22 Lesson 6
6:15 Lesson 7
6:51 Lesson 8
11:15 Lesson 9 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
11:44 Lesson 10 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
12:40 Lesson 11 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
12:55 Lesson 12 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
13:49 Lesson 13 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
14:46 Lesson 14
15:32 Lesson 15
15:56 Lesson 16 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
16:16 Lesson 17 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
17:00 Lesson 18
17:27 Lesson 19
18:14 Lesson 20 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
21:38 Lesson 21 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
22:13 Lesson 22 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
24:24 Lesson 23
24:46 Lesson 24 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
26:33 Lesson 25 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
27:22 Lesson 26
28:06 Lesson 27
28:50 Lesson 28 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
29:32 Lesson 29 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
29:58 Lesson 30
30:50 Lesson 31 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
31:53 Lesson 32
33:15 Lesson 33 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
34:54 Lesson 34
35:43 Lesson 35 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
37:03 Lesson 36 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
37:44 Lesson 37 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
38:30 Lesson 38 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
39:59 Lesson 39 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
43:21 Lesson 40
44:17 Lesson 41 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)
44:57 Lesson 42 (Lesson I liked and thought It is important)


मेरे श्रद्धेय गुरुदेव आचार्य चाणक्य जी का मेरे जीवन में बहुत महत्व है मैंने कभी उनसे कोई शिक्षा तो नहीं ली परन्तु उनके द्वारा बताई गई हर शिक्षा का अनुसरण करता हूं धन्य हैं चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य जिन्होंने ऐसे गुरु से शिक्षा ली अपने साथ साथ अपने यानी मेरे श्रद्धेय गुरुदेव आचार्य चाणक्य जी का नाम इतिहास के पन्नों में कभी ना मिटने वाला नाम दर्ज कर दिया काश मेरा जन्म भी उस काल में हुआ होता तो मैं भी अपने श्रद्धेय गुरुदेव आचार्य चाणक्य जी से शिक्षा ग्रहण करता औउम नमस्ते जी योगा आचार्य राजेंद्र आर्य कोसली


Every school curriculum should have it and also teach it to the students
It's nothing less than a gem


When you distracted by any thing and demotivate this time you see this video and make yourself energetic and motivate.


The amount of wisdom, bonded in this video takes forever for normal people to understand. Save this video and watch when you feel diverted, restricted, limited. Its one of those book which always have more to offer everytime you read.

I bet no one will fail if one get 60% of this wisdom and implement in life


सफलता घेरे तुझे, मार्ग हो अवरुद्ध, पास ना हो धन तेरे और काम हो अपार!

भाग मत कर प्रयास, कर प्रयास भाग मत
चाहे तू हंस तू, किंतु आंखे हों नम, भाग मत कर प्रयास, रात ही दिन, निकलेगा फिर सूरज दूर क्षितिज पार भाग मत कर प्रयास, पीड़ा ही सुख है, सुख ही है पीड़ा, हार ही जीत है जीत ही है हार, भाग मत कर प्रयास कर प्रयास भाग मत...


This whole serial was gold wish it gets retelecasted


बड़े बड़े योद्धा मात खा जाते हैं, जब वे जोश मै होश खो बैठते हैं।
~आचार्य चाणक्य


Koti koti pranam hai aise mahapurush ko 🙏🙏🙏 Jai shree Ram 🙏🙏🙏


यदि तुम एकाग्रचित हो सको, अपने शरीर के साथ साथ अपने मन पर भी अधिकार कर लो, तो एक साधारण शरीर भी असाधारण कार्य कर सकता है। चाहे जितनी पीड़ा हो यदि तुम्हारा मन उस पीड़ा हो आने ही ना दे... ~आचार्य चाणक्य


खूब....जीवन सही तरिकेसे जिने के लिये यह विचार..अमृत के समान है...


Everyone needs a Guru like Archaya Chanakya


समय से पहले व्यर्थ काल्पनिक सोच मूर्खता होती है.
~आचार्य चाणक्य


हम मौर्य क्षत्रिय वंशज है भगवान राम के रघुवंशी वंशज है हमे हमारे पूर्वजों पर गर्व😌 है ☀☀ जय सूर्यवंशी


Sad that books of nalanda were burnt and the teachings and knowledge went in vain for some destructive foreign people


Love ❤️ from india jharkhand jamshedpur jugsalai.


I made this video in 2015 but YouTube blocked my channel Awesome Videos in 2020 but I'm still finding it in many channels, I have grudge that they blocked my channel but still it is still there my work of one year of editing approx, feels good


समस्या तुम्हे समाप्त करे उससे पहले तुम समस्या को समाप्त कर दो! ~आचार्य चाणक्य


The entire generation from 80s till today should be taught and shown the entire Chanakya( serial) & chandragupta's training alongwith their one on one interaction with Our One and ONLYChanakya Maharaj !!


this series was awesome & then was stopped abruptly
