Trichloroethylene: An Invisible Cause of Parkinson’s Disease?

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"Trichloroethylene: An Invisible Cause of Parkinson’s Disease?" postulates that Trichloroethylene (TCE), a chemical often used in dry cleaning, is a known carcinogen and has contaminated numerous sites across the globe, including the water at Camp Lejeune. Read the paper to learn an overview of the chemical along with several highlighted cases, and gain insight into the next steps towards ending the use of TCE.

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I was exposed to TCE when I was working in a factory's plating department. We used TCE in our vapor degreaser. I regularly inhaled its fumes and got it on my skin. I'm 100% sure that's how I got my PD which showed up as an official diagnosis almost 35 years later. I wish I could hold someone liable for my exposure to TCE giving me PD!


My grandfather worked as a Metallurgist and died from Parkinson's. The factory where he worked was on a hill above our city and TCE drained down to contaminate many homes below. I now live near, not in, the contaminated homes area in a high-rise building.


In Organic Chemistry experiments at university, the heteronuclear organic chemical compound trichloroethylene was used as a reagent in a fume hood, however I would always get headaches after class. These simple double bonded ( Pi bond + Sigma bond) molecules are dangerous, especially these small organic synthetic chemical compounds.


76 and retired from 43 yrs as an employee of a Defense contractor. My 1st 7 years (around 69-76) i had daily exposure to Trichlorethylene and have had bladder cancer attributed to TCE. Now I'm awaiting an appt at UVA Neurology to see if my symptoms are in fact Parkinsons!!


I worked for a power coating company in the north east of England.... In the Darlington area... Owned by a well known family...
Who's roots stem from Middlesbrough, whom I can't name, due to legal problems.... But the name Big "A" the Doc comes to mind.. 😮
And I don't mean ass hole... Okay maybe some people will say that.... Basically this Employer, had no regard for HEALTH AND SAFETY, put profits above everything... 😅 Some what like a Character from Charles Dickens novel.... Paying minimum wage for maximum work.. All with no issues at all on morals... Very little interest in health and safety issues...
Due to little money returning to safety problems, issues...
Paper dust mask, instead of full face air feed masks... No protection... No coveralls, no protective gear or a very modest amount.
Basically they supplied the most basic stuff, cheapest.
Very little health and safety data on chemicals that they used... No I'm leaving with, diagnosed MSA Multiple System Atrophy Parkinson's.
Caused by excessive exposure to chemical hazards such as Trichloroethylene breathing the vapour, skin contact, poor extraction of vapour..
General lack of management of health and safety..
They in my opinion knew of the damage to everyone working with the chemicals..
They had knowledge of long term effects but didn't care about anyone else but money made for themselves....
If you imagine a fat balding red faced pompous selfish overweight owner of a maximum proff company with poor health and safety issues.... Guess you will know who I'm referring to... 🤔
Please stop using this chemical and take employees safety first, instead of greed 😮 try being Mr big A


Need to do a study of those who ran film for movies and tv up until 2009. Trichloroethylene was used for cleaning and conditioning of film and the equipment.


Parkinson disease 🦠🦠🦠 is a very terrible illness, my Dad suffered from it for 19 years until we finally got a help and a medicine that truly works that helped treat, cure 🌿and reversed all his symptoms…My Dad is well again..
