Salvation - Dr Norman Vincent Peale

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Dr Peale was a conservative evangelical Christian who often infused his sermons and talks with New Thought ideas, terminology and expressions.

The meaning of the word "salvation" is found in the word soteria (salvation), which speaks of deliverance, preservation from danger, wholeness, healthiness and soundness. When the Bible talks about our salvation through Christ Jesus, it speaks in three tenses: past, present, and future. In 2 Corinthians ch 1 v 10, we find all three tenses in the one verse: God has saved us (past) from so great a death, God does save us (present), and we trust that God will yet save us (future).

What follows is from the New Thought minister and author Dr Emmet Fox (from his book Make Your Life Worthwhile (New York: Harper & Row, 1946)):

"The word 'salvation' appears more than 120 times in the Bible. It was in constant use among religious people of past generations, and while it is not so often heard today, the fact remains that it is one of the most important words in the Bible, and, as so often happens, it is among the least well understood.

"The word 'salvation,' in the Bible, means perfect health, harmony, and freedom. When you have a strong healthy body so that just to be alive is a joy in itself; when you are living in conditions that are completely harmonious; when your time is filled with joyous and useful activities; when you are increasing daily in understanding of God, and are not conscious of any fear--you have salvation in the Bible sense.

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"Salvation comes to a few people gently and easily, but the majority have to work out their salvation with a certain amount of 'fear and trembling' for the time being. The actual way in which it comes is not really important, for come it will--when we seek it with our whole heart."
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