Mystery Box LEGO Dungeons and Dragons Minifigures!

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I got ALL the new LEGO Dungeons and Dragons Collectable Minifigures (CMFs) and wow are these impressive! Thank you to the LAN for sending these early for review! Top 5:

1. Tiefling Sorcerer
2. Mindflayer
3. Elf Bard
4. Lady of Pain
5. Halfling Druid
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The lego c-3po head on the grogu body and the grogu head on the c-3po body in the background is wild 😅


The Dragon born mace is a new piece, the Chima crystals only had 4 sides, that one has 6


A lot of these look good, but the Aarakocra Ranger is probably my favorite. It has the coolest design imo, and I see a lot of possibilities for using the parts to make Ritos for Zelda Mocs.


I just realized that the Magic accessory for the tiefling Sorcerer would be great for a gambit figure😮


Random is still the most exciting! We always guess who’s inside before we unbox.👍


I went to a store recently and found a whole box of 36 minifigures, but I only bought three minifigures, there is a video on my channel, but yours is better. They're great minifigures so I'll get some more, even if I'm not a D&D fan.


these were sent early from the LAN EARLY for review... EARLY...


awesome breakdown dani, the moc building potential for these is absolutely huge!


I double all 12 of them come in a sleeve. Prolly just did that for you to review


Great video! I can’t stop watching videos on the DND mini figs, I’m so excited for the preorders to ship. I’m probably going to get multiple sets, to be honest, so I’m not that concerned with duplicates, but it’s good to know that it’s possible to get the whole set in one box. I want to keep one set aside for display, but I want to have all the figs represented there, including the ones with two included heads, so I’ll need two bodies at least there. Plus, I want to use a few for customizing and creating my own player character and using them in MOCs and displays. I haven’t been this excited about Lego mini figs since…well, since they released the UCS Rex in a micro fighter!


I’d definitely improve the mindflayer by giving it Storm’s shoulder pads from the recent marvel CMF in something like silver or black


Honestly, I really wanted to play this Game! I even came up with the Setting World of Aenudaras for playing "D&D", and also created My own squad! The squad includes the Human Paladin Arkon Korunt, his Half-Elf Wizard Brother Glar Amakkir, as well as their Sister, the High Elf Priestess Loraera Kor'amarir, their friends, the Dragonborn Barbarian Drogor Ogornor, the Halfling Rogue Froori Begrit, and also the Forest Elf Ranger Theia Lirotri, Mountain Dwarf Warrior - Gyrog Duronite and Tiflingsha - Bard - Zaderis of Art!


the scanner is perfect as I got the 4 I really wanted from the recent series. the astronaut is amazing, the alien is sweet, the space explorer looks like doom and orion is pretty cool


I mostly want 2 the Dragonborn (for the armor & head) and the Tiefling (mostly from the baby dragon).
The ones I'd want the least is The Lady of Pain (as it's too specific a character and you couldn't really modify it much, but having the box item is neat like a little Hellraiser puzzle box looking thing) also Mindflyer can't really use it for much else (except maybe for a stand in for the Ood from Dr Who just their not holding their brain)
but overall it's a set I'd like at least two of most (except for like 2 since their difficult to change up)


I really don’t care what character I get from this because all of them have really nice prints and they would be a good addition to my fantasy world


I pre-ordered all 12 off ebay (promises opened & verified complete) so I'll see how that goes! With free shipping plus tax cost was just under what it would have cost locally...if the bins around here ever actually had any in them!


Im not whatsoever into Dungeons and.. im not even gonna say it, but these look beautiful, must get these!


I live 10minutes from Legoland in Denmark. Think we might need a trip there sep 1st


So annoying.
At work, there was a 20% discount and I plan to used the minifig scanner to get the paladin. I spend nearly 30 minutes and I learned some ahole had took ALL of the Dragonborn Paladin!
I also learned that the Aarakocra Ranger was the next rarest minifig that was left so I ended up getting him instead of the Druid or the Tyling as I liked those two. Sure the Ranger is not bad but I got him more for his rarity than liking him!
Ended up getting the Paladin from the nearby toystore after five scanned! Sure I got him in the end but I had to paid full price for him!


Man, I wish I could buy these cmf in bulk easily. I’ve always wanted the old LOTR sets, but have none of em. Any idea as to how to get em easily?
