Blue Ridge vs. Capulet: Which Music Fest Is Worse?

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How we keep getting so many sketchy music festivals, I'll never know... But Capulet Fest seems like they're trying to take the title of "Worst Music Festival" from Blue Ridge Rock Fest.

00:00 Intro / New Contender For "Worst Festival"
01:05 INCOGNI Ad
03:49 What Is Capulet Fest?
07:01 The Festival Lost Its Original Location
08:35 Capulet Fest Moves To A Club Venue
10:56 The Festival Gets Shut Down
14:39 The Attorney General Investigates
16:04 It's Unlikely That People Get Refunded
19:32 How Does This Keep Happening?
22:57 Who Win's "Worst Festival" Award?




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The Montagues should put on their own festival, to show up the Capulets 🥁


There was a Press Conference with the Attorney General, and he believes that the non refund policy will not hold up in court


meanwhile I was having my best live at Rockharz in germany, watching Orden Ogan live.

Dixie toilets were cleaned hourly, water was free, showers were in abundance, we had actual flush toilets by the campground, there were security people on golf carts and wuads driving around warning people of every weather change.

they even had safe words and gestures you could make to show distress to security and have them take you to safety


I am a crew member for a band that was supposed to be at capulet fest. Thankfully, we didn’t play. Our TM was telling us this was going to be an absolute sh*tshow for a while leading up to it until the plug was pulled from under us.


I've noticed that both Blue Ridge and Capulet were basically run by one guy alone. This is on the verge of unthinkable in Europe, there's almost always some form of conglomerate, a label, a company or even a magazine behind the events, even the smaller ones.


I am the TD for a 1200 cap venue, I cannot even fathom the logistics of having bands of that level in a venue that size.

Parking for production vehicles, loading docks to handle multiple artists loading in and out, space for dead cases even. Props to the venue crew for even trying to pull it off.


Never forget Louisville Death Fest. Promoter bailed mid-fest, then some attendees stepped up and ran the last day while another attendee drove to the promoter's house and made him pay the venue. Shitty show saved as much as possible by the community


The no refund policy doesn't cover fraud. Selling tickets when venue had been downgraded, and linup had significantly changed would seem to qualify as fraud.


Your insight on these festival disasters is second to none on Youtube. Keep up the pressure on these guys and keep educating us.


These festivals like Wacken, Hellfest, Copenhell, Graspop, Masters of Rock, etc., show how well Europe organizes Rock/Metal festivals. It's a shame we can't do the same here.


Just because the website says "non-refundable" they still have a legal obligation to deliver what was advertised to consumers. Generic disclaimers mean nothing in bait-and-switch situations.


From what you said about both festivals, the match up between the two is like a dumpster fire competing with a nuclear explosion. 😅


Just purely out of curiosity:
Once you and the EC-Boys are done with the summer festival season, i'd like to see a "Best Festival" Video from you.
Having some examples and explanations on how a good festival should be done, would be really nice.
I only had positive experiences with EU-Festivals, so i guess there should be some good examples from this year's tour.
it's a real bummer to see shit like BRR/Capulet happen, i'd probably be fuming if i experienced something like that, bc i'm usually excited a year in advance


I went to the first day of capulet. I wasn’t ripped off like most people. I had to drive just as far as would have if the venue hadn’t changed. I still got to see the bands I wanted to see. If I had known it was going to be held at the Webster I wouldn’t have bought a ticket. It’s one of the worst venues in New England. The sound/acoustics are the worst. One of the rougher parts of the city. Mostly just street parking nearby. The stage set up is really difficult for bands to set up and break down, single staircase without any guide rails.


We had a festival like this in the UK in Liverpool. After the first day of absolute shambles, the city shut it down.
Loads of the venues got together and offered yo put any bands on that still wanted to play for the fans. It was pretty impressive to see your city come together and pull off a city festival in one day.

This kind of thing needs to stop. It's not fair on the customers, the bands and all staff involved


Man I live under a rock. I haven’t heard of any of these bands, and only Red because you posted about them .


I saw DMX at Blue Ridge Rock Fest before he died. Im from SW Virginia so it really sucks to hear about that festival going to shit.

Floydfest was created in my house so I know those folks very well, Im glad they havent gone to shit and are still going strong.


This is why I love EU, the consumer protection is on the level that makes US really look like some some Crayon eating corporate hellhole. I can pretty much guarantee that in anywhere EU you put that kind of garbage into a consumer contract, you will be so fucked by consumer protection groups and officials in the court room that you won't be selling even lemonade in a cardboard shack in this life or the next one. And the best part... At least in Nordic countries that is 100% free for the consumers, they just report it to the right organizations and while it can take few months, they will run it through the official routes and at least this clear garbage will go through like oiled with laxatives and the consumers (at least mostly) will be refunded or the organizer will be looking at ever growing fines until they have refunded.
Like only Finnish consumer protection groups forced Ticketmaster to reword their contracts at least 3 times and they are still going at it because the garbage company had decided that when COVID stuff cancelled gigs they don't need to return the handling fees because they did their work and our consumer laws are VERY clear about that when the consumer doesn't get what is promised, even the middleman doesn't get to keep their fees, the consumer is refunded completely and it's up to the affected companies to figure out who pays and what.


Honestly not shocked Skillet stuck with the festival. Jon would play for a single burnout and 5 cockroaches if it means he can say stupid shit into a microphone.


I’m getting the vibe that I should start a festival that advertises the most incredible lineup and venue but has that very specific wording in the terms and conditions blocking refunds so I can scam a bunch of people.

If I were a bad person of course.
