They Don’t Make Breakdowns Like They Used To

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Future Breed Machine by Meshuggah, NYC 2022

This is just a clip from the full version of the video which will be available on this channel soon with its link placed here. Stay tuned!

Right now, the rest of the unlisted full versions of my clips for this artist can be found in my public playlist, containing several full length tracks!

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So hear me out, I am the person behind that sweet old lady and here is some background. Her name Is Niki and I aspire to be like her when I grow up.

I met her at that concert. I was in the first row waiting for Meshuggah to start when I saw her on the side. She immediately piqued my interest, cause I had 0 clue how she got there. I started talking with her and the story is as follows: She travels a lot and tries to live life as much as possible. One day she went to see an art piece. She really liked it so she waited for the actors after the play. She talked to them and found out that one of the actresses actually went to the same high school as her daughter. This actress mentioned that her partner’s band plays a concert in NY in a few weeks and that should she come over, they will party. Actress happens to be Jessica Pimental and her partner happens to be one Thomas Haake.

Niki likes experiences, so she obviously comes (without knowing anything about the band, djent or even metal). When the concert started I pushed her in front of me after the first song, cause we were quite close to the mosh pit and I didnt like her to get injured.. She not only survived the whole thing but was asking questions: “What are they singing about?”, “Why do they have so many lights?” and “Why are people being thrown forward” (about stage diving). She didn't want to leave. When I asked if she was ok she just stoically responded “I never left a single party in my life”. It was like a museum tour for her.

After the concert she said “We are going to an after party, I got to meet my friend.” Do you think she had a badge or anything else to prove that she belongs to a band? Hell no! She just had her iron will and persistence. After talking with a bunch of security guys she actually went backstage. I waited outside. After a few minutes one of the crew members emerged and asked me to join them. Damn, Niki fulfilled my dream of meeting Meshuggah on f**king Meshuggah after the party. I don't have to tell you that I consider myself a super fan and how much this meant to me. In the end I got to leave the party early, but when I was leaving, Niki was still there having fun.

That night I learned: never leave any party even if it seems crazy and help your elders because they can help you to meet your heroes…


Bucket hat grandma vibing to the old classics.


That lady is either having a really good time or a really bad time lol


Jens is such an unbelievable frontman. You can’t take your eyes off him, what a terrifyingly awesome presence


Controlled insanity, this show was fantastic. Love the lady in bucket hat just chilling there.


To this day, one of the most mind melting live performances I’ve ever gotten the chance to experience. This even includes the part where I’m tackling a dude trying to steal a bottle of booze from behind a satellite bar in the venue mid set. Tightest live band ever


0:19 <- That old lady was the only one in the crowd actually paying attention to the music. She's really feeling it. It's beautiful when you can observe someone who's in the middle of an authentic aesthetic experience.


No band will ever surpass these custodians of power.


1:26 is just absolute raw power unleashed


Meshuggah has been my all time favorite band since 1995. There is no one like them and there never will be. Period.


When Mimir, The Smartest Man Alive, is your Lead Vocalist… you know you are in good hands.


Incredible live band. I’ve gotta see them before I die. Then I can die.


Years ago, i had this track queued in the CD player of my car. I was giving a buddy of mine a ride, and he's an aspiring rapper. He recognized that the song was building up to break down and as soon as it hit, he started freestyling. Was sick AF. he wasn't into metal, but I've heard that rappers still appreciate the energy and beats in metal.


I read the title and I thought “Please tell me it’s Future Breed Machine” and you did not disappoint. Shit goes hard every single time and never gets old 🤘


Man, this takes me way back. Went to see their support, Hypocrisy, in .. 1996 or 1997 in Germany and went in totally unprepared. That was some mind-melting stuff. Have been a fan ever since.
Friend of mine, now a professional drummer, used to always stand as far to the side as possible just to see the drummers more clearly. That dude was shaking his head for the whole concert in disbelief. 

Insane band. I love that they are finally getting broader appreciation through a lot of reaction videos. Youtube done good here :)


God I love seeing people get into like the guy crowd surfing at 1:23. I could see him start going super saiyan as the breakdown kicked in.


Meshuggah really is a sight to behold. Even if you don't like them or their music you have to go and experience the live performance


I worked the philly concert. Got a chance to set up drums and got a guitar pick and setlist. Absolute legends.


Saw them this summer. I was screaming the lyrics and headbanging till I almost fainted. Most amazing concert of my life! ♥️


Greatest breakdown in history. No question or competition.
They wrote this “breakdown” when there was no such thing as “breakdowns”
Game changer. Over 20 years old and still heavy and modern.
