As a musician myself your ad libs are always inspiring! Such a talent is an extension of the soul. vocalcoachadonis
As a musician myself your ad libs are always inspiring! Such a talent is an extension of the soul.
Anyone else listening to this on repeat or is it just me? simunda
Anyone else listening to this on repeat or is it just me?
Jon, you're beauty in this world. Agile, melodic, ... and with problems like the rest of the people. Just a human being trying to find his way. Thanks carlosnz
Jon, you're beauty in this world. Agile, melodic, ... and with problems like the rest of the people. Just a human being trying to find his way. Thanks
Got that guitar singing, I can listen to these all day. Archangel
Got that guitar singing, I can listen to these all day.
It's cool to see really see somebody else that see and really really with it heart ❤🎉 TinRopcalkem-kv
It's cool to see really see somebody else that see and really really with it heart ❤🎉
I love listening to guitars and with this song I'm in love would love this whole song done alettapinkett
I love listening to guitars and with this song I'm in love would love this whole song done
This NEEDS a full cover... goddamn its perfect okagetheshadowking
This NEEDS a full cover... goddamn its perfect
I will always miss X, a piece of my heart died with him. This video would definitely make him smile 😔😔😞🙏 Aiofaiva.
I will always miss X, a piece of my heart died with him. This video would definitely make him smile 😔😔😞🙏
Love you X and the guitar is fire. ❤❤🎸🕊️🕊️ joslynnmichaels
Love you X and the guitar is fire. ❤❤🎸🕊️🕊️
❤🎸🕊️ we love ya king.. we all miss u.. you inspired so manu people alankupchanko
❤🎸🕊️ we love ya king.. we all miss u.. you inspired so manu people
Be strong you’ve got this you can beat it KatrinaHolz-mccg
Be strong you’ve got this you can beat it
RIP xxx thank u for doing this to him 🤟🤟🤟 Anthony-otf
RIP xxx thank u for doing this to him 🤟🤟🤟
Can u play the full song man 🔥 I can't enough of this 🔥 waleedovais
Can u play the full song man 🔥 I can't enough of this 🔥
Guitar Wizard making that guitar SING ❤😮 stacygilbreath
Guitar Wizard making that guitar SING ❤😮
He was one of the best people we knew rip🕊️ Mrfloppywalfes
He was one of the best people we knew rip🕊️
He was an absolute legend, May he rest in peace 🕊️ notyouraveragejared
He was an absolute legend, May he rest in peace 🕊️
I wish I was such a great musician like you itachiakash
I wish I was such a great musician like you
As a guitarist your tone and pitch are wonderful keep up the good work love your song my top 3 daveyallen
As a guitarist your tone and pitch are wonderful keep up the good work love your song my top 3
I love your viodes And I am your biggest fan also you are awesome jami-leagibbs
I love your viodes And I am your biggest fan also you are awesome
Please do a full cover!!! This is a vibe!😈😤💪💯 runetiu
Please do a full cover!!! This is a vibe!😈😤💪💯