What Do You See?? College Pitcher Slow Motion Change Up Pitch POV

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In this Short video from ARM Pitching Development we look at a college pitcher in slow motion throwing a change up during warm ups. Let us know what you see??
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Ignore everything else, get this kid to watch Tread Athletic's material on late arm action. By far most important thing


Looks solid. At peak leg lift you can see he has to regain all his momentum because his leg completely straightens out and he gets kind of stuck in his hips. Keeping some tension in that glute and back legs should help.


Glove side adjustment to make sure he stays close and does not land open. Can also finish stronger to extend his release point. I think he has more leg drive available but difficult to tell from this angle.


your leg is halfway down before your hands ever separate so you’re late. because you separated late your arm is behind your body therefore you are either going to a) throw a ball b) miss your spot or c) learn to compensate by shortening your arm and leading to injury. before your leg comes down your hands need to be starting the separation process. if you can’t get your leg and hand in time then you need to pause like kershaw. everybody thinks clayton kershaws pause is to offset the hitters timing but it’s not. it’s his timing. he separates so late that if he doesn’t pause he can’t throw a strike or if he does it’s cock high at belt level. separation and drive off are the two most important parts in your pitching mechanics


I see good mechanics. Good push off the mound, stays downhill, throwing arm elbow right in line with the shoulder, looks very balanced. You can tell most commenting arent or were never pitchers.


I see alot most interesting is his big kick leading to low long drawn out forward motion gives impression of fast ball, he rolls his wrist in a backward screw his grip takes advantage of the twist


Also dump hands down behind back leg below waist. Bring front knee towards opposite hip to create coil. Probably pick up around 5mph


Your video helped me in my golf swing .. I know yep I know ..


This comment is with all humility as you can plainly see that this young man is good and knows what he is doing and has great mechanics.

What I see that could improve is his momentum towards home plate. I think he could lead his front hip out towards home a little more. That would create more velocity. 🤷‍♂️


Front foot strike before arm was ready for layback?


Appears to be flying open a little. He could use more upper body Disassociation before foot plant. To do proper analysis you would need video from the front as well.


Looks like by the time the front foot is down and the shoulders are turning, the arm is not up and is having to overcompensate and produce the power to throw the ball. Arm should be up, or almost up by the time the front foot strikes.

By any chance, do you have any arm soreness or pain after you pitch? I know the pitch in the video is a changeup and this pen session mightve just been light work, but I hope that there is no pain/soreness in your forearm/tricep when throwing full power


This is the kind of footwork that I need for slinging.


Wait so what is the right thing to do? The twist of the right leg and throw should be in sync or twisting his right leg first then the throw will follow (not in sync)


I can't tell from this angle but, the ball maybe be below the shoulder when the lead foot lands, there seems to be a correlation between out of time throwing motion and shoulder injuries.

Am I close?


Good stuff. Do you hike your leg towards 2nd for a fastball? If so, your straight up hike is a pretty clear tell changeup is coming.


I think he looks pretty good. I have had a couple college coaches share that mechanics are sometimes over taught. In short "give me a guy that can throw strikes."


Foots planted and the arms almost looking like a W


What did the setup fastball look like?
