Using Lasers to Create Super-hydrophobic Materials

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Scientists at the University of Rochester have used lasers to transform metals into extremely water repellent, or super-hydrophobic, materials without the need for temporary coatings.

Super-hydrophobic materials are desirable for a number of applications such as rust prevention, anti-icing, or even in sanitation uses. However, as Rochester’s Chunlei Guo explains, most current hydrophobic materials rely on chemical coatings.

Guo adds that one of the big advantages of his team’s process is that “the structures created by our laser on the metals are intrinsically part of the material surface.” That means they won’t rub off. And it is these patterns that make the metals repel water.

“The material is so strongly water-repellent, the water actually gets bounced off. Then it lands on the surface again, gets bounced off again, and then it will just roll off from the surface,” said Guo, professor of optics at the University of Rochester. That whole process takes less than a second.

The materials Guo has created are much more slippery than Teflon—a common hydrophobic material that often coats nonstick frying pans. Unlike Guo’s laser-treated metals, the Teflon kitchen tools are not super-hydrophobic. The difference is that to make water to roll-off a Teflon coated material, you need to tilt the surface to nearly a 70-degree angle before the water begins to slide off. You can make water roll off Guo’s metals by tilting them less than five degrees.

As the water bounces off the super-hydrophobic surfaces, it also collects dust particles and takes them along for the ride. To test this self-cleaning property, Guo and his team took ordinary dust from a vacuum cleaner and dumped it onto the treated surface. Roughly half of the dust particles were removed with just three drops of water. It took only a dozen drops to leave the surface spotless. Better yet, it remains completely dry.

Guo is excited by potential applications of super-hydrophobic materials in developing countries. It is this potential that has piqued the interest of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has supported the work.

“In these regions, collecting rain water is vital and using super-hydrophobic materials could increase the efficiency without the need to use large funnels with high-pitched angles to prevent water from sticking to the surface,” says Guo. “A second application could be creating latrines that are cleaner and healthier to use.”

Latrines are a challenge to keep clean in places with little water. By incorporating super-hydrophobic materials, a latrine could remain clean without the need for water flushing.
But challenges still remain to be addressed before these applications can become a reality, Guo states. It currently takes an hour to pattern a 1 inch by 1 inch metal sample, and scaling up this process would be necessary before it can be deployed in developing countries. The researchers are also looking into ways of applying the technique to other, non-metal materials.

Guo and Vorobyev use extremely powerful, but ultra-short, laser pulses to change the surface of the metals. A femtosecond laser pulse lasts on the order of a quadrillionth of a second but reaches a peak power equivalent to that of the entire power grid of North America during its short burst.

Guo is keen to stress that this same technique can give rise to multifunctional metals. Metals are naturally excellent reflectors of light. That’s why they appear to have a shiny luster. Turning them black can therefore make them very efficient at absorbing light. The combination of light-absorbing properties with making metals water repellent could lead to more efficient solar absorbers – solar absorbers that don’t rust and do not need much cleaning.

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This is perfect for making a prank soup spoon.


I couldn't help but think this may greatly improve boat/ship hull efficiency (reduction of friction) as it moved through the water.  I wonder how durable it would be in a salt water environment?  Ships/boats use a lot of fuel!


The explanation is right here:
"In this study, we use an amplified Ti:sapphire laser system that generates 65-fs pulses with a central wavelength of 800 nm and at a maximum pulse repetition rate of 1 kHZ. The laser beam is focused onto the sample surface by a lens onto a sample mounted on a computerized XY-translation stage. The samples in our study are platinum, titanium, and brass. Each sample is textured with an array of parallel microgrooves covered by extensive nanostructures. The platinum sample is processed at laser fluence of 9.8 J/cm 2. The titanium sample is processed at laser fluence of 7.6 J/cm 2. Brass is processed at laser fluence of 3.9 J/cm 2. The orientation of microgrooves is controlled by the scan direction. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) and a 3D laser scanning microscope are used to examine the surface structures. Superhydrophobic properties are studied by measuring both water contact angle and the surface tilt angle for water sliding. The self-cleaning properties are studied with real-life dust particles collected from a vacuum cleaner. For cleaning, we use rolling and falling water drops. The rolling drops with nearly zero kinetic energy are produced by pipetting water drops near the sample surface, while the falling drops are produced by pipetting drops at a height of 3–8 cm above the sample surface. The diameter of the pipetted water drops is in the range of 2–5 mm. The self-cleaning action is recorded with a video camera. To characterize the optical properties, we measure the total hemispherical optical reflection of the samples using a Perkin-Elmer Lambda 900 spectrophotometer and Bruker IFS 66/S FTIR spectrometer, each equipped with an integrating sphere. The two spectrometers allow us to measure the spectral reflectance in the wavelength range of 0.25–2.5  μm and 2.5–16  μm, respectively."
It was in a link in the description. ^^


Wouldn't minor scratches on the surface make the effect fail, since it is etched directly onto the surface itself?


I would love to see this application incorporated into the aircraft industry. Keep up the interesting and amazing studies.


i wonder what happens if you dropped this metal into a water surface..would it just bounce right off the water??


this is awesome, only hope it can be scaled up and applied soon and cost effectively.


there is a recent TED talk by Prof. Guo on this superhydrophobic surface. the title of the talk is "Metal 2.0" and it is on youtube.


Pretty awesome, yeah. Though, I question it's durability. I'm guessing the water's surface tension keeps it together, because the pattern etched into the metal prevents the water from seeping in. I've seen the phrase "micro and nano patterns" thrown about, which makes me suspect that it would be incredibly easy to scratch this attribute straight off the metal unless it's as hard as diamond. It's the same reason your car wax loses it's effectiveness to do the same thing, but the difference is that it's relatively easy to wax your car, while re-lasering a toilet in Mozambique is probably not going to be an option. Slapping a coat of paint on may not be as effective, but it's cheap, fast, and can be done over and over and over again.

Still a great technology and I certainly hope they roll out it's use in hospitals (they already have a plastic that does the same thing), which would not only be healthier for us all but also avoid that whole "breeding super-bacteria" problem from an overuse of cleaning and antibiotic chemicals, but I sometimes think engineers and scientists are not as worldly and practical when it comes to applying their technology, because it's just not feasible to build entire airplanes out of nano-etched metal that will not only be blinding bare aluminum, but will quickly lose it's effectiveness after flying through dust storms, hail, etc. Kinda like that whole "build roads out of solar panels coated with glass" idea; sounds awesome, but mundane problems like "glass gets scratched to shit when you drive cars on it" and "asphalt is fucking cheap" just take priority.

If I'm totally wrong on this, please give me a heads up on why.


This could be used to create an air based thermopumps that would work well below 0 as water vapor could not sublimate to the cooling surfaces. You could get COP 4-5 by having a much larger difference between the cooling surfaces and the ambient air without concern for ice buildup. The engineering is daunting but possible. The rewards in energy efficiency would be well worth it particularly in cold climates but the increased efficiency for cooling would also be beneficial.


Great idea of reducing the materials and technique required for production a superhydrophobic coating


I wonder how it would affect the buoyant forces on ships. Or the integrity of the material. Cause a material's strength depends on its crystalline structure. Pretty exciting to see how it will be used. Possibilities are endless at this point.


FINALLY someone can create pipe where poops won't get stuck in DA HOLE!!


Imagine cars with this and roofs of houses and buildings, boats, umbrellas, cooking utensils and pots/pans, maybe even driveways/streets! The possibilities are endless!


I used this in my toilet but the pee bounced back, luckily was wearing super hydrophobic sprayed clothing but it made an eternal feedback loop :(
now i'm playing endless peing pong, pls help


Possible uses I've come up with: Boat hulls to lessen drag.  Water pipes (internally and externally) to extend their life by lowering corrosion.  Roofing tiles that last for a very long time with extremely low maintenance.  Would also be useful in areas that get a lot of snowfall to keep snow from sticking to roofing tiles.  Tableware that's very easy to keep clean with minimal water needed.

I have to wonder what effect this treatment would have on materials that are implanted in the human body.  Could this help cut down on infection and issues associated with such devices?


Awesome stuff, but it's such a teaser to just keep seeing the results and never see the lasers! Like how are you doing this process? Lets see that in gruesome detail!


Amazing. I wish to use this achievement in the mirrors of vehicles


i have been waiting for something like this in ages. this will solve that one problem most of us have.


Very impressive. Maybe also Important for ionic transport in accumulators.
