7 Lighting Setups with 1 Background | Mike Lloyd's Boudoir Guild #PhotographySkills

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7 Lighting Setups with 1 Background | Mike Lloyd's Boudoir Guild #PhotographySkills //

Would you like to learn how to change up your lighting so you can take amazing photos with just one backdrop? Watch this video to learn how to wow your clients, leaving them ready to throw handfuls of money at you.

The boudoir guild is the online hub for ALL THINGS BOUDOIR. No matter your ability level, you will learn the marketing, sales, posing, lighting, branding, and mindset shifts you need to make more money shooting boudoir.

Welcome to the Boudoir Guild, I'm Mike Lloyd, Professional Photographer. You're in the right place if you want to start attracting clients who love your work and are happy to pay you. Before long, you'll have a profitable price list, the perfect brand, and the confidence to charge what you are worth.


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so extraordinary content thank you for sharing information about photoshoot


I think in my head (for a newbie like me), Fall Off made more sense. As an engineer, Fall Off and Spill can be interpreted into two separate definitions in my mind, and so your point still came across perfectly.
Fall Off - distance of light cast, IE, how far the light reaches/illuminates.
Spill - off axial spread of light from the source, IE, how much light spread outward from the source emitter.
In engineering term, Fall Off = Range of the emitter and Spill = Radius of cast. Fall Off can be controlled by emission intensity or distance from the emitter - which you demonstrated the latter being what succeeded for you.

One of tne things that needs to probably be emphasized more is the ability to think in 3D space. All light sources are emitters that make a 'bubble' or sphere of influence. How close they are, how shrouded or covered they are, and the distance to the subject as well as height and orientation, all matter. Imagining ones set as a cube workspace and the ability to see setups in 3D space in one's mind is how I was able to make a tiny office corner work for me before and now I'm working on a small bedroom.
I understand many people don't naturally imagine in 3D, but perhaps that can be of use in describing your expertise and advice, as the 3D animations do a great job at demonstrating how translating your setup into 3 dimensions mentally helps you come to better grasp why and where lighting works.


What kind of kicker (brand, wattage etc) did you use?
