What I Learned From Cancer Survivors | John Douillard's LifeSpa

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What I Learned From Cancer Survivors | John Douillard's LifeSpa

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Perhaps your worst nightmare is when your doctor reports to you that you have cancer after a routine mammogram or colonoscopy. What would you do?

For lots of folks, this is a defining moment in their lives. Would you just throw in the towel? Hand over the reins to your doctor, relinquishing control of your own destiny? Or use this diagnosis as an opportunity to make some major changes in your life?

When I was the co-director of Deepak Chopra’s Ayurvedic Center back in the late eighties, we had a handful of Ayurvedic centers around the country. The most severely ill patients were referred to our center, which became known as the country’s premier Ayurvedic Cancer Clinic. My eight years there gave me a wealth of experience juggling western medicine with natural and Ayurvedic cancer strategies.

We had patients who fully embraced the allopathic strategies for cancer such as chemo and radiation, and we had folks who chose to treat their cancer naturally, without any western intervention. While I am not an advocate of stiff-arming western medicine, the success rates of these patients seemed to have less to do with what their therapeutic choices and had more to do with their attitude and the positive life changes they made after the cancer diagnosis.

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