California lawmakers introduce controversial new tax bill

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“New California” Founder Paul Preston discusses the impact that passing the newly proposed tax bill, known as Assembly Constitutional Amendment 22, will have on California.
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This makes me so mad! I am a 4th gen Californian, moved out recently, I hope to see some of these people like Brown and others who are dirty will be on the list of sealed inditments. I am praying that God will continue to expose whats happening in the swamp.


I don't think California should secede. We should kick them out.


Move your California business.
Sell your California house.
And when you get unconstitutional tax demands from California in your new state, throw that crap in the trash.


When you register to vote in CA, its a box to check weather you are a citizen or not to vote, and getting a drivers license in CA you can check the box on your application to automatically be registered to vote. Since non citizens can get a drivers license in CA --- they can vote in CA too.


death spiral, see the UK in the late 50s & 60s.


Arrest JERRY Brown and his attorney general and flunkies.


A rationalist viewpoint on this matter. I am a 63 year old moderate independent voter and a retired U.S. Army Master Sergeant (1972-1993). This is what happens when pro-socialism politicians gain control over a state government. I am reminded here with this video about Margaret Thatcher's famous quote: "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money". Socialism is one of those things that is great in theory but not in practice. There was a time back in the 1970s when I was both young and very idealistic. That led me to believe that socialism was not a bad idea at all at the time. As I grew older and began to better understand real human nature and behavior through firsthand experience, versus theoretical human behavior and nature, I began to realize that socialism cannot work simply because of the way we humans are. As an example; The commune concept was very popular in the U.S. from the 1960s through the 1970s. Almost all of the communes established at that time failed for the same reasons and very few still exists today. Too many want to enjoy the benefits of communes but not put in the hard work needed to make it happen. Unfortunately, it is a sad fact that with very few exceptions Socialism often leads to development of parasitic behavior among way too many people. You see that in U.S. society now with an ever increasing population that feels “entitled” to everything and believes that hard work is somehow beneath them. This is not helped by the fact that most politicians we have to day are quite willing to pander to those beliefs in order to get elected and stay in office. Sadly, I believe we passed the point of no return some time ago and nothing short of a societal economic collapse is going to put us back on the right path once again – if even that does it. All I can say here listening to this video and having read "Atlas Shrugged" is somewhere Ayn Rand must be laughing her tail off right now in regard to socialism taking over America. Ayn Rand was right, although it is taking longer then she predicted, and I expect the outcome will be as bad as that shown in Atlas Shrugged. I would remind socialist that it those with wealth that create businesses, employ people and fund many things like museums. You must produce wealth, not just redistribute it, which seems to be the far left's economic solution to everything. Once their is no wealth left to redistribute their will be no jobs left for anyone and everyone will be poor. Don't think that can happen? Just look at Greece or Venezuela where the left and socialism has been in power for some years. What has happened to them is our own looming future. I will leave you with a famous quote to reflect on from Benjamin Franklin: "When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic."


How did so many people get brainwashed in that state.


I know a new law CA is going to get pretty soon. Federal Marshall law. Things that are going on there, are not going unnoticed.


Thought you were gonna get some kind of economic break? Haha no sorry not for you Californians!


It's past time to send the Army in and re attach California to the United States by force.


Hey you people of California better start paying attention and get Trump to back the removal of Brown and his crudsters.


Surprisingly, I am in favor of splitting CA into two states. Let the hardcore lefties have their own little state to run and see how well it goes for them.


Now we have Gavin Newsom as the governor
Things will change
Yea right


Moving my company out of CA in 2019. Talked to other buisiness owners in my area, they also debating on leaving CA.


Why do businesses stay in California? It's insane.
All of these big companies should leave.


sick and tired of paying more for everything in this state. Im a life long Cali person and I'm being squeezed. Sickening


Voting rights? I still don't get issuing drivers licence for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!


Callifornia is so progressive, theyve made so much progress in creating a wanna-be socialist state, ramming themselves right into the ground, at the expense of the sane people who live here...


California deserves it they forgot all about Jerry Brown in the 1st 2 terms I live in Texas now I left California 4 years ago and I will never come back
