Cleaning WEBER Grill with Easy Off and Pressure Washer

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Heres a video on how I clean my grill right before I put it away for the season.

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The music sounds so sad! But the advice is priceless! Thanks so much sir!


I had the intuitive thought to use Easy Off in my grill a week AFTER i deep cleaned it.

Im half tempted to disassemble and reclean with the Easy Off. Looks great!


I would add a step to first burn off most the residue by turning all three burners up on high, and letting it go to 600 degrees for ten minutes. That would eliminate more than 90% of the residue, and make it easier to clean.


The music makes this grill cleaning look epic


Nice Job! Most people would not take the time to do this. However, something about cooking on the grill after a good cleaning, it just tastes that much better and you feel that much better. :)


Love it!! thanks for the inspiration to do this to my Spirit grill. One question: do I need to unplug those wires or can I just remove the burners from the inner bowl?


Is it ok to spray the easy off with the fuel rails in? New at this and my grill os propane.. so dont wanna go flying bc of a rookie mistake 😅


Thanks for the video. Haven’t done a thorough cleaning of my Weber in years, so going to try this. One note, you put your grates in upside down. The flat side should be up and the pointed side down.


To save time and effort, keep the fuel rails in, just tape over the holes and dont spray water directly on them.


Just curious. Did the runoff from the EZ Off cause any damage to your grass? That's been on my mind


Great video capture!! Thank you for sharing!!


Poster please dont be offended but ive used this product for years and some safety stuff needs to be addressed.

So just a couple pointers for people watching this. Scrape what you can like he did. Wear gloves and some kind of mask unless in wide open air that won't blow into your face.
Spray and put parts inside of garbage bag to prevent evaporation just for smaller parts and grates. Check after 5 min and let go for longer up to 20 min if needed.
Then use METAL scrubber to scrub the parts. This is how they get fully clean. Rinse very well.
Then proceed to interior like he did but first take plastic scraper and remove all stuff you can. Empty the catch pan below if gas grill. Empty the small drip pan too. Then spray down the insides and close lid and let sit like you did with small parts but after first check scrape what you can. Then recoat with spray especially if it's really caked up and been a while. Then scrape again after 10-15 min. Then use same METAL scrubber on all surfaces. Then rinse.
If using scrubber you don't need to use pressure washer and to be honest with these chemicals you shouldn't be aerosolizing it into the air anyway while spraying pressure washer lol.
All products require manual debridement.
If you do this 2x a year then you won't need to work as hard but I'm assuming most watching this video have a grill that hasn't been cleaned in 2+ years.

And finally after all rinsing well and reassembly and checking everything turn grill on to highest setting on all burners and close lid. Let the thermometer peak for at least 10 minutes to dry everything and burn everything off.
Now if you have cast iron grates you'll want to brush and preseason again a few times. Wear oven gloves as theyll be hot as heck and do the bottom too. Can just use pam spray.
If you have coated porcelain enamel ones you can still spray the ops once after getting it to temp.
You must dry and burn off any of the stuff left from the spray no matter how long you rinsed it. Especially with cast iron bare grates. You will get flash rust as this product is an oxide so it will cause mild oxidation. Just brush with your BBQ brush while hot and spray with pam with flames off. 👍🏻


Should the easy off sit for a while before washing it off?


Dis anyone of you try to use driller scraper. My bbq box is getting filled with dark depot I can’t Get with product + pressure water


Careful, Easy Off isn't to be used on aluminum. (Your grill tub and lid sides are aluminum.)


Hi season is back please film the first burn/cook


Thank god i have weber kettle grill. So much easier and stays cleaner.


Easy OFF is a great staff, but its very harmfull. Needs to be used with a mask, ventilation and open windows if used inside. This product not recommended on surfaces which coming in contact with food. Has to be completely removed, otherwise fumes can be also harmful for your food.


You lost me at “ put it away for winter”😢
