Code Review Day 3/75

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This code checks if a given number is prime or not. Here's a review of the code:

Clarity and Readability:
- The code is well-structured and easy to read.
- The variable names (`num`, `isPrime`) are meaningful and clear.

- The code correctly checks whether a given number is prime or not.
- It includes handling for numbers less than or equal to 1, which are not prime by definition.

User Input:
- The code allows users to change the value of `num` to check different numbers for primality, providing flexibility.

Prime Checking Algorithm:
- The code implements a standard primality check algorithm that efficiently handles most cases.
- It avoids unnecessary checks by using properties of prime numbers.

Output Formatting:
- The output is well-formatted, clearly stating whether the input number is prime or not.

Feedback Summary:
- This code snippet is well-written and functional for checking prime numbers.
- It's clear, readable, and allows flexibility in checking different numbers for primality.
- It's a good example of implementing a common algorithm in Java.

Overall, great job
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