What did the British loot from the Old Summer Palace in Beijing?

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In October 1860, Anglo-French forces are estimated to have looted 1.5 million priceless treasures from the Old Summer Palace in Beijing, after which they then burnt the heavenly complex to the ground. This act has been described as the greatest act of cultural vandalism in modern history - and is likely one of the largest mass-scale thefts too. In this documentary we will explore why and how the Old Summer Palace was sacked, and will inspect some of the items that were looted. To bring the history to life, we will utilise old photographs, drawings and maps, and will inspect up close some of the looted objects.
Tythacott, Louise (2015) Trophies of War: Representing ‘Summer Palace’ Loot in Military Museums in the UK, Museum & Society, November 2015. 13 (4) 469-488
Information on the Golden Jug Gifted to James Hope Grant:
Information on the auction of the Tiger Ying:
Essex Regiment Museum Website:
Tythacott, Louise (2015) Trophies of War: Representing ‘Summer Palace’ Loot in Military Museums in the UK, Museum & Society, November 2015. 13 (4) 469-488
Information on the Golden Jug Gifted to James Hope Grant:
Information on the auction of the Tiger Ying:
Essex Regiment Museum Website:
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