ROGER MOORE Tribute (1927-2017) - We Remember

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Here at JoBlo Originals, we’re pretty devoted 007 fans. In fact, our ongoing series, James Bond Revisited, ranks as one of our most popular shows ever. Of all of the James Bond actors, one that we have the most affection for is the third man to play James Bond, the great Roger Moore. While often maligned by critics, Moore actually had the longest official tenure as James Bond, leading seven films compared to Sean Connery’s six (seven if you count Never Say Never Again), George Lazenby’s one, Timothy Dalton’s two, Pierce Brosnan’s four, and Daniel Craig’s five.

On the five year anniversary of his death, we pay tribute to the late Roger Moore, as we dig into his career pre and post Bond. Before he ever slipped on a tux, he was famous as The Saint on TV, and post James Bond, he became famous for his tireless work for UNICEF. And, while critics liked to pick on him, notably in 1983, his James Bond movie, Octopussy, went up against Connery’s Never Say Never Again, and came out on top at the box office. We also pay tribute to some of his little-seen roles, such as The Wild Geese, his show The Persuaders, and more.

This episode of We Remember was written by Matthew Plale, edited by Juan Jimenez, narrated by Travis Hopson, and produced by Taylor James Johnson. Let us know your favourite Roger Moore 007 movie in the comments!

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You won't run into many (if any) Roger Moore types in Hollywood these days.
He was a wonderful actor and the classic English gentleman.
He was my James Bond when I was growing up in the 70s and 80s, and funnily enough, I still miss him.


Charming, Womanizing, daring, improvising, sarcastic and hilarious until the last second even at the most dangerous moment. By far my favorite James Bond.


Sir Roger Moore gave the best one liners with class & style


Definitely my favourite Bond. I grew up in the 80’s so he was the “current” Bond when I came into my teenage years and started watching more sophisticated action movies and not just Rambo and Invasion USA😂


Definitely my favorite Bond actor too! Superb quality actor.


A Bond fan since the beginning (1962). In my opinion Sir Roger Moore was the best Bond ever.


I agree, he was my favorite James Bond hands down. I liked his humor.


I grew up when Roger Moore was bond, I will never forget the first time I saw the spy who loved me, the opening sequence when he goes off the cliff then the British parachute comes out and saves the day, the cinema erupted!! I will not forget that moment. The only actor to do 7 official bond movies 🎥
Thanks Roger for giving us a great resume of work to always enjoy.


I almost cried watching this haha...Roger was my favorite one was able to make Bond be funny and goofy but still be sexy and cool as he did...he was masterful in that regard... To this day I still follow that and make sure I live my life in such a way.. never take yourself too seriously... Roger Moore is my James Bond and always will.. Thank you Sir 🙏


My favorite Bond, I grew up with him and always loved him.


I was lucky enough to go to the "An Evening with Roger Moore" show just a couple of months before he died. It was fantastic and he was such a genuinely warm and funny person. I highly recommend everyone check out his audiobooks about his life and Bond, that he narrates. The self-deprecating charm is wonderful.


The later Sir Roger Moore, gone but not forgotten!


I was born in 1961 and Sir Roger was my favorite actor since “The Saint” or “Ivanhoe” era!!! And definitely the best 007 by far! R.I.P Simon, Brett, James 😢


moore was my favorite bond. live and let die was my favorite movie.


He was the Bond I remember seeing as a kid whenever his Bond films aired for the ABC Sunday Night Movie during the 70’s and early 80’s. I also saw him in other films like The Cannonball Run, and two other movies that weren’t mentioned in this retrospective: Escape to Athena (directed by Tombstone and Rambo II director George P. Cosmatos), and ffolkes, appearing opposite James Mason and Anthony Perkins (Psycho).

When I heard of his passing five years ago, I was in the hospital after suffering a diabetic-related heart attack. I felt like part of my childhood was gone; but I realized that he did more of his life with the work he did for organizations like UNICEF; I guess what you do with your life is more important than how you live your life.

RIP Sir Roger Moore


The real saviour of the Bond series. My second favourite (after Dalton) The man joined a series and left an institution. A phenomenal raconteur, a gentleman of gentleman’s… and a brilliant and warm man of character. The man was a Saint on screen and off. He is sorely missed.


Always was and always will be my favorite bond. Thank you Roger Moore


He was the first Bond I ever saw. For Your Eyes Only is my favorite Roger Moore Bond, but Moonraker is a guilty pleasure.


He was my Bond growing up. Will never forget him. RIP Sir Roger


To me one of the most dashing and handsome person I have ever seen
