Yaesu FTDX10 VS Icom IC7300 | Studio A will never be the same

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Some things are planned. Some are borne out of necessity. Sometimes you get smacked over the head by something that wasn't even on your radar. This is the story of a major upgrade to Studio A.
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For all people saying there is no difference or that the 7300 is better, you all need to go have your ears cleaned out. My buddy owns the 7300 and I have the DX10. While the 7300 is a fine rig and absolutely wouldn’t mind owning one, it just doesn’t compare to the DX10 on rx. We set them side by side on same ps, coaxial, and antenna. The difference is astounding. The Dnr was very watery on 7300 but the DX10 was clean up to the same level. The 7300 had to have the pre amp engaged to bring in weaker stations while the dx10 were turned off (ipo). Sherwoods report was spot on


When I got re-licensed after decades off the air, I narrowed down my choice to the 7300 and the FTDX10. I spent the extra money and got the Yaesu and I love it. It's not the most intuitive rig to use, but once I got familiar enough with it, I was so glad I picked it.


OMG! In the video clip with "Paul" in the garage, WHAT WAS THE VEHICLE just almost out of view? I have to see it!


I've had my dx10 for a few months now, and i'm still amazed by what it's capable of, learning something new every day


My big beef about the 7300 is its lack of a DVI port for an external monitor, there’s a lot of information on a very tiny screen.
I don’t feel like spending $3000 plus just to get that feature.


The DSP is nice (have a FTdx5000MP here), but have you noticed the "analogue sound" of most of the Yaesu radios?
Back when I got mine, I was certrain I was buying an Icom IC7700, but the shop had both radios on the table, and offered a side-by-side comparison on same antenna and cables. It took me 15min. to change my mind and go with an, at the time, considerably more expensive and BIGGER radio.
I had Yesu's in the past, and had almost forgotten that signature sound.
The FTdx5000MP got the known OLED issue, but three new installed, and the radio is like new again.


Hi, i have both Radios and for me is the Icom IC-7300 the better Radio. 73 to you all.


I have both. My base station is the DX10. I just got a 7300 for field operations. Yaesu has pretty high standby current and the Icom is much better. I can see the hype on the 7300 but I can clearly see why the DX10 is in the main position. I prefer the 7300 for SWL listening on AM. I HATE the way Icom does RF gain. Yaesu is wayyy better. The DX10 is special but the 7300 will get it done just fine for peeps.


Welcome to the club. Long back when I got my ticket you elmered me for an HT and motivated me to pursue full privileges. I awarded myself with the same rig once I got my Extra, the DX10 is a fantastic radio. Bought a 7300 months later and hands down the FT-DX10 is beyond compare. I'm using the iCom for portable ops, not saying the DX10 can't be used in the field, I have, but I'm protecting the DX10 by keeping it shack bound.
So glad you are enjoying your new toy. Many years of joy will be had. 73 and the best to you.


Same experience here, I had the 7300 for 3 years, and acquired a 991a for use in the rv and on the road and was blown away with that radio's NR compared to the ICOM . I was looking to upgrade the 7300 to either a 7610 or 101D and after using the 991a, I opted for the FTDX-101D. The FTDX-10 is basically the same design as the 101D less the second receiver and VC-Tune feature. The two technologies are so far apart from ICOM to the new Yaesus that you are right no point of comparing them. Love your videos!


I own a 7300, dx10, and 590SG and I can tell you that there's very little in it when it comes to performance. Neither is "best", they are just different in the way they go about things. Ask me which I prefer and you'll get a different answer every week! The best rig is the one I feel like using on the day - and neither leaves me feeling that they are inadequate overall - they simply have their own strengths and weaknesses.


Interesting and enthusiastic review, but I hear too much bass in the audio. Speech intelligence is mainly conveyed by higher frequencies, specifically between 500 and 200 Hz, which is why they provide filters to do just that, so it would be swell if you demonstrated the audio with less bass, even with DSP NR engaged. Just saying. Thanks. JT


I recently upgraded from the 7300 to the FTdx10 too. The Yaesu definitely is worth the upgrade.


Thanks for the great video, I've got an FTDX10 as well and it's every bit as good as you say, the reception is as good as it gets and I really like the layout, especially the outer dial when used as Custom Select function. It's by far the best bang for the buck out there today. Thank you for the great channel.


I own an FTDX10 and love it....but LOL, the reason your S meter is not moving, is because 1) you are on a quiet band (10 meters) and 2) you have IPO engaged - same as the attenuator on Kenwood and Icom rigs. Reason why your waterfall is dead is because you have the waterfall level set low.


Appreciate your content Bob. I am new to HF been a ham for 30 years. Would you recommend this radio for an HF beginner? 73 James Ve3isb


Yaesu Ft 991A has this one got dnr please sir


When your recording source is only recording at 30 FPS and you convert it it to 60FPS for youtube...thats why the video looks " Stuttery". Do'nt convert to 60....just upload at stock....it's still 4K....but not stuttering !


A few years ago I bought an Icom IC-7300, compared to the Kenwood TS-430, I thought I died and went to heaven. Made a lot of wonderful contacts. Loved the ease of setting up the radio, the display. Everything about the 7300 was perfect. Then about a year ago I saw some video's on the FTdx-10, Started learning everything I could about the radio. With encouragement from my wife, ordered the FTdx-10 and could not be happier. A great radio, awsome receive and transmit.


This is just the push I needed after debating on buying one for about 6 months.