It has truly been an honor to meet you. I considered you as the master of this game: great knowledge, great skills, great personality. It is sad that Teeworlds is not what it used to be (although I played it only for a short time compared to you), and I miss all the fun we had - during our InfC games to be specific. But for me, it was not only about having fun - I was inspired by you. You are a shining example of virtue and fair play. I wish you all the best in the new decade.
Teeworlds has been a game I played for over 12 years now, the youtube community of this game is so split, either its cringe, people that state they are pro but simply just edit everything or people that actually created good content. You are definitely one of the last kind. I just found your channel but let me tell you, your editing is simply insane, the aesthetic you give your edits makes a simple 2d shooter look like something modern. We all know the coding of this game is bad, we all know the servers are bad, we all know this game is dominated by bots or grownups that behave like 12 year olds. Thanks for the content, sadly I came late but your videos are worth rewatching.
Oh didn’t expect to see dragonfight mentioned in 2019!
I really hope this is the classical „I quit“ meme and we get new content next year :)
I actually subscribed right now.. so Sad :(
I really enjoyed to play with and against you, I admired your unique playstyle; and not to mention your excellent videos that surely must've helped and inspired many players. :)
Farewell Armadillo!
Not even feel free to love, hate, critizise :o You're being serious!
But for real, you did some rly good things for tw - like the big tutorial and those beautiful edits & your appreciation for the game and ctf5 players etc. Tw and me will miss you :(
Thank you for your gratitude. [it's me, ShReKo]
We already have small online, dont go away ;(
I don't know you, but it's sad.
Sadly this game never got the attention it deserves. I enjoyed my time playing this game. Its so simple, yet tough to master and never got me bored. I kept coming back to it for so long, even though inactivity has been a problem for years in the community.
Since i stopped playing the ingame activity seems to have shrunk even more, which is sad to see. So many nostalgia feelings, thinking back to playing with many people in your final list as well as yourself. Thanks for the videos and ingame matches!
~ R4z0r
Why are you running?
*Why are you running?*
its sad that you will stop uploading tw videos but keep going what ever u do with ur editingskills :, )
My only regret is that I didn't see you on the game :c