Believers Beware by Jacob Prasch

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So many complain about Jacob’s anger spilling over into God’s anger. Granted there are times I find it harsh, but his openness about his besetting sin touches my heart. In one message, he was very humbled as he spoke about God dealing with him over his own anger. Who can’t be touched by that.


I love your transparancy Jacob Prasch, and your humor. I love your teaching, and pray for you often. You have been instrumental in my walk with God. Thank you.


Beautiful prayer 🙏 as well as a great teaching thank you so very much Jacob, brother in Christ ✝️


I remember seeing Jacob Prasch speaking at the Wanganui East Baptist Church years ago and was enriched by his teaching . I was concerned over the Toronto Blessing and what a lot of the local Churches were teaching and he spoke on the subject and confirmed my suspicions of this not being scriptual and not of God.Thank you Jacob for your wisdom and keeping with what scripture says and helping me sort that out. God bless and thanks again Jesus is Lord.


It's really good that Jacob is confessing his faults to us. Anger is so easy to justify and hard to delineate.
God bless you Jacob, you have protected the body of Christ so earnestly.


Amen brother Jacob Prasch! Well done and well presented. Brother Jacob Prasch is still one of but a few Christians that remain in our day who contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints ( Jude 3). Moreover, he and Moriel Ministries are still God's faithful vessels and gifts God uses to bring the body of Christ under the true Headship of Christ Jesus and to purge the body of Christ from all leaven. So true that we must all look to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ only as the author and finisher of our faith and not to any man ( Hebrews 12 :1-2). Yes, all Christians beware lest we become like the loveless Church of Ephesus ( Rev 2:1-7). who were commended by our Lord for their works, labour and patience - ( ticking all the right boxes)-, but however rebuked for the fact that they left their first love ( Rev. 2:4) ; Him who first loved us ( 1 John 4:10-11, 19).


Great teaching brother always learn something God bless you brother may God keep you teaching the word….✝️✝️✝️🇨🇦 1:10:15


Boy is this message for me, i believe i can check the right boxes, i hate the false teaching that can lead others astray, but often question my love for others, who follow and defend these false teachers. Just reading people's comments on some of Jacobs teachings, or the late David Pawson that are negative without giving a biblical reason, really brings home the false teachings so many have been bewitched by. This frustrates me very much, i seem to have very little tolerance. I questione the fruit of the Spirit of love on my part.


Thank you. I appreciate praying with you, too.


Thank you Jacob. It is not easy in Denmark to find a sound church.
Will backsliders go to Heaven?😊


when was this recorded he mentions covid


one of those fruits is self discipline, some obviously fail and it is obvious. control your appetites.


Enjoy the moriel teaching you've posted
