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Небольшой загадочный видосик в студию ! Приятного просмотра под чаёк и кофеёк!!!


Когда не сделал домашнее задание и тебя как назло вызвали к доске )))


Hey Igor! At least, now I've got some ideas to share with you. Maybe this mught solve some questions for you which still remained unclear and|or unanswered. (Both for you and for guys in comments!)
Sorry beforehand, that it's so long - I tried my best to explain my ideas not to let anyone of us be misunderstood.
Cooling system: (this one mostly for other guys, to be completely clear) there are a plenty of different variants of water radiators that are small in surface but quite thick (3, 4 and more "layers"). Which means, they are just as efficient as those you've got in your car. The motorcycle rads are quite small, though they do their job pretty damny well. Moreover, (which is number two) there might be used an oil radiator, which are small (almost always), and are also very useful - especially on motorcycle engines or dry sump systems (now this very idea is for you, Igor!). Then the efficiency is divided between those two systems separately. Real racecars (inclufing F1, NASCAR and other series) use dry sump almost every time.
Intercooler: you'll either need a very small but very thick one or some air-to-water type of IC (check out BMW or Audi systems). This is either too big or too heavy. The most effective type is Killer Chiller, but... It's goddamn heavy and not compact at all - say, you're installing half an aircon to your car, but it cools down your intake to below-zero temp's.
What I suggest: as an experiment, you might try installing one of your turbo-coolers to your intake (as I remember you've got two of such). This will be compact, not too heavy and should work effectively - especially under high loads, when you go pedal to the metal. Not sure, though, if it will fit the system you have well - you've got dynamic boost system in your intake, plus additional injectors in tha filter box. Any of this requires a new intake systems, I guess.

Fuel tank: real F1 cars have got fuel tanks made of some thin soft plastic (maybe polyethylene or polypropylene), so that it doesn't burst in a crash, with several diafragms inside for fuel doesn't splatter or bubble up inside, for fire hazard safety.
What I suggest: use polyethylene tank - for sure - and try searching either for such specific tanks or for special foam filler for fuel tanks (used in sport cars and tuning) - this provides fuel tank from leaking, 'cause the fuel is soaked into the foam inside. SAFETY!😎
Bottom-end: I've seen on your model in previous video, you've got your front (we'll call it) cone going slightly up in it's bottom part, then there's a step down, and then the bottom goes up again till the end. This is interesting and might work really well on track. But for better results this might require some additional aerodynamic winglets ("feathers") that will help suck air out from before this step to the sides of the car (2001 - 2005 cars as a sample).
What I suggest: the opposite - the nose bottom goes up slightly, then a sharp step up, and again slightly up all the way to the back. The physics are: as you're increasing speed, the air leaves a low pressure zone under the nose, then expands even more, which reduces the pressure even stronger, making a good downforce UNDER the nose part together with the wing which makes it ABOVE, and keeps it all the way to the back. The diffuser helps making this flow more laminar, so that here are no turbulences under the car (which make higher pressure spots, and the car becomes not as stable as it should have) and directs it out and up, expanding and lifting it behind the car, which increases the downforce at the back. What you have in the model now is also good, but it might make a high pressure zone under the middle of the car. (Yes, I remember, it's still not a final model - that's why I suggest this idea)
For those guys who were suggesting halo protection: time attack race is almost not a race at all, it's more like qualification session before the race. You're driving almost single on track, there are almost no collisions possible. Talking about safety, a primitive thick sheet of polycarbonate bent into some kind of windshield might be just enough, if it's really needed. I believe Igor has paid a good attention to all these safety measures and knows what he's doing for sure.
Modelling and testing: a very good idea you've mentioned of printing a small model of a car and test it. I tell you more - guys from real industry do this way. What's even more interesting - they sometimes use a fluid chamber/pipe. As long as fluids are dencer than air or gases, it takes less effort to simulate the same situations that might happen with the air. The construction is simple: it is an enclosed pipe, completely filled with water or any possible fluid with a high-flow pump on one side and a transparent pipe section on the other. Sometimes they use a Foucault blade effect to see the flow changes, you might use some kind of particles in the fluid or a laser torch (a torch with beams straightened via Fresnel lens). Air tube - the same, but without fluids. Yes - it also can be an enclosed pipe circuit, which is much more efficient than open-type pipes. Smoke generator as a visualiser.
Finally, the wheels: F1 wheels are cast alumag alloy - alluminium plus magnesium plus something else - flow-formed into its shape on special machines to be as lightweight as possible. (Heard of that they might change to full-carbon wheels someday, but not sure about that)
What I suggest: simply use forged wheels of needed size, if got a possibility to get such. Yet they're expensive, they are much tougher than cast or flow-formed and either just as lightweight or even lighter than flow-formed wheels! I'm quite sure there are some places where you might get such.
Hope this helps you somewhat with the process, maybe I've answered some of your questions you were searching for so long but neber managed to find the answers. Sorry again for it took so much of text, but I tried to be clear as I can (maybe I should write an e-mail next time). I'd really love to come and help you out at least with something, maybe with this very little of my knowledge I've collected from all around the Internet. But I cannot say for sure when I'll be in Russia next time - if I'll ever be again, minding the current situation. But I'd really like to, honestly and frankly.
Wish you best of luck with this and all your other projects. Kind regards to you and your family. Hope you doin'well!😉🤠🤟


"Алейксей, 700км/ч ничего не мешает" не урыл а закопал ахаха 😀👍


Намек про «пригласить дедушку» очень понравился😂 сразу понятно о ком речь) (Лаура😁)


На твой вопрос: стоит ли делать видео с ответами на вопросы, отвечу так - у тебя поразительный талант интересно рассказывать на любые темы в любом формате, смотрю твой канал со времен когда ты первый токарник купил и ни разу не было скучно, ни разу не выключил видео на середине, все видео до конца досмотрел. Спасибо, Игорь.


Про дедушку с самодельным автомобилем - очень тонкая отсылка) Дедушка с самодельным автомобилем тоже Вас в последнем видео вскользь упомянул!) Так и передали приветы друг другу два инженера-конструктора.


У нас ещё снег лежит. Игорь, не заморачивайся с комментариями по дизайну. В первую очередь безопасность и практичность. Никто из комментаторов не стрит болид. И уж точно, имеют хорошие знания в аэродинамике, единицы. Поэтому, не отвлекайся и не переживай. Ты всё делаешь правильно.


Мог бы для вас смоделировать небольшие узлы на прочность/жесткость. Статическую или ударную. Бесплатно конечно.


Неделя пролетела незаметно! И сегодня мы узнаем все тайны БОЛИДА 🔥🔥🔥


Ахахаха какого нибудь дедушку пригласить, молодец Игорь, хорошо ответил ему


За сегодня я уже второй раз для себя слышу новое слово, это трубка вентури. Олегу привет!!😅


Будет интересно посмотреть на человека, который осмелится повторить твой труд, даже с готовой 3д модели..)))
Игорь, огромное тебе спасибо, неимоверно уважаю твои знания, опыт и мастерство! Наверное, лучший контент на ютубе


Эхх... Так ждал новой серии, а тут разговоры. Буду ждать следующей)))


очень хочется забыть все ваши видео, что бы посмотреть заново и снова испытать ощущения восхищения !


Вот смотрю на Коршуна рядом с деталями болида, и мне кажется, что идея Игоря покрасить гонку в этом же стиле и цвете - ПРОСТО ОТЛИЧНАЯ! Кто за ребят?)


Делай как считаешь нужным, это твой проект! 👍✌️😊


ИДЕЯ для целой серии роликов:
спроектировать, собрать и испытать пилотируемый одноместный квадрокоптер, на подобии уже существующего Jetson One
но мне кажется, что у тебя и без моих советов давным-давно есть такая идея, ждём реализации =)


Игорь, попробуй взглянуть на формулу-4, с точки зрения оформления, не смотря на все ограничения твоей конструкции, место для манёвров есть. плюс визуально машины этого класса, некоторым похожи на то, что получается у вас.


А я ведь лично знаю челика, который считает, что этот болид "Халам-Балам"))) А по мне так пушкабомба эта ракета💪