What the heck is Dandy's World? (DON'T TRUST HIM)

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A bunch of you have been telling me everyday to play DANDY'S WORLD so today we check it out and there is something wrong with this flower

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I'm gonna give some tips and some other things to help you out if you play this again.
To get twisted research, you need to either collect capsules or get chase by that twisted, getting 50% will unlock that twisted description, getting 100% unlocks you a new trinket (make sure to claim it).
If you don't know how to deal with twisteds, you must stay out of their sight for a couple seconds which means you have to loop around objects, most twisteds take around 3 seconds to lost attention.
Failing a skillcheck will cause a nearby twisted to run to that machine, the white area is normal and the yellow adds a little portion to the machine.
If you ever encounter twisted dandy, he will immediately kill you if he touches you, no matter your health.
Shrimpo has the worst stats in the game so only play if you want a challenge.
And the twisted you saw with a purple bar (his name is glisten) he wont attack you at first, if you leave him alone for to long (indicated by the purple bar) he will chase you and he's incredibly fast, this is also triggered when all machines are done.
That's really all I have to say, please note some of them I just stole from others but also, good luck if you ever play this game.


Imagine when he sees pebble his reaction will be funny


9:34 - that shattering sound was Twisted Glisten, the one you were following earlier, going into berserk mode. His whole mechanic is that you have to stay nearby him so that he doesn't do that too early in the round. He'll go into berserk mode regardless after the last machine is completed. After he does, he becomes the second fastest Twisted in the game, and at that point, you have to pray he doesn't spot you, and that's exactly what happened and you died.


Since alot of other people are doing this, I'm just give tips !1!1!1!

When you pick up an item, certain items cause you to glow a certain color a bit. That glow shows thag you got a temporary stat boost. There's 5 kinds of stat boosts you can get!

Orange - Skill Check - It increases the size of your skill check for a bit, aka where you're supposed to click/tap on the button one the red line reaches that area.

Yellow - Movement Speed - It increases your movement speed for a bit. I don't really need to explain any more than that.

Green - Stanima Regeneration - It increases the speed of your stanima regenerating for a bit. Again, dont need to explain.

Blue - Stealth - Increases your stealth stat for a bit, making you less likely to be spot by twisteds.

Purple - Extraction Speed - Increases the speed of extracting a machine for a bit, extracting machines is basically completing them btw.

Also, the dog getting chased at 4:29 is likely purposely getting chased to "distract the twisted". There a certain toons/playable characters that people use to distract these twisteds, deeming them distractors. They distract so the other players can extract machines quicker and therefore progress to higher floors faster.. I think. If you see the toons/playable characters listed below distracting the twisteds then just let them, they'll likely be fine:

- Tisha (The teal/cyan tissue box) - She's pretty cheap and with good speed she's reliable for distracting when there isnt any better options or the main distractor is at low health.

- Goob (the beige-ish fluffy guy with long arms) - A very popular distractor useful for their low stealth so the twisteds dont chase any other toons (that have a higher stealth than him, which is the majority of toons)

- Pebble (the dog you saw getting chased) - Honestly, the best for distracting with their 5 star speed meaning that they can outwalk most of the twisteds, especially with speed boosting trinkets (Trinkets are items you can collect with research or from Dandy's shop at the lobby that basically work like Pokemon held items)

- Flutter (The pinkish butterfly) - The least greatest distractor imo, I don't really have much to say about her. Her ability is pretty useful though.


hello big mike boy man.

the twisted you saw on floor 13 was twisted shelly, she gives you a confused effect that lowers your extraction

and also if you get chased by a twisted you get 5% research on them

twisted shelly is a main character, if you get 100% research on her then you just need to complete the other quests and then you can buy her,

if you loop around twisteds with an object without them seeing you they lose interest,

if you see any main character like that, get chased by them for 5% research and get every capsule you can, theres 5 twisted main characters.

Twisted Sprout, Twisted Pebble, Twisted Vee, Twisted Astro, And Twisted Shelly

Twisted Sprout is very tall and can summon tendrils to hit you,

Twisted Pebble is very very fast and can see you from across the map,

Twisted Vee can put ads on your screen and is always the one who comes to the failed machine (she can also apply a slow debuff when you get chased by her.)

Twisted Astro can eat alot of ichor from your machine like the fatty he is if you fail a skillcheck,
(he can also apply a tired debuff which will make your stamina regen very slow.)


13:57 Sorry if Im late, but be aware around those roots. You accidentally killed the player in the room by running (Which wakes up the monster in the middle). Doing that intentionally is considered griefing, a banable offense.


Fun fact: the twisted u got on floor 5 is called Glitsen! The bar is for how much time Glitsen has to not be a twisted and if it fills up he becomes fully twisted and if the elevator opens he also becomes fully twisted! He’s super fast when he’s fully twisted. When u don’t buy from dandy it’s called a dandy run!

Edit: for the starters


We got em boys!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Js some tips :3
- u do NOT want shrimpo. trust me.
- If u see a big ass twisted, that's probably a main character. They have very...interesting abilities!
Vee, Big Green TV: Can spam 3-4 advertisements on ur screen that slow you down
Sprout, Strawberry: He can place vines that last for a limited amount of time, stepping in these vines take away a heart so js be patient n wait for them to disappear
Peeble, Pile of rocks built like a wolf: He can sniff u from farrrr away n he's rlly fast (in my opinion atleast)
Shelly, Dinosaur: Her existence slows down machine-doing-speed, that's rlly it
Astro, probably the only main character that isn't ginormous - He's a blue moon: If some1 fucks up a machine but there's nobody nearby he'll take away the progress
Dandy: If u don't buy from his shop abt 3-5 times he gets all pissy n he's pretty slow in my opinion but he kills in 1 hit regardless of ur hearts so be careful!
- Twisted Goob n Scraps can both long distance attack u so try to get out of their range
- If u see a circle of red vines, DO NOT SPRINT, that's razzle&dazzle peacefully napping. Don't wake them >:(
- u saw rodger 1st hand, don't touch any research capsules that don't have gray straps. That's him
- Glisten, the twisted that was talking to u! He's rlly lonely. Some1 has to stay with him or he'll get angry and try to kill u, he's the fastest I believe so be sure he has some company
- I believe every other twisted is simple, js try to make them lose sight of u.


Hey bijuu! Some advice for the game!

On the research capsules, if there are no camera roll wrapped around it, Rodger (or as you said the sniper guy) is in there to ambush. Do not pick those ones up.
Twisted shrimpo has the best vision out of the usual twisteds, so it can be harder to not be seen by him.
You know you have gotten twisted dandy if after dandy goes down the elevator thing (after you dont buy anything) you still hear the music play.

Good luck if you play this again!


him "so is there lore to this game" me: "OHH U MIGHT WANNA SIT DOWN FOR THIS-"



The way he was unaware that HE was the reason that person died is hilarious.
I don't know if the razzle dazzle killed him or the rodger, but idk.


Helloooo bijuu! I’m giving tips on that one twisted who has the bar and who says “please...anyone there?”

The twisteds name is Glisten! He is half toon and half twisted, so in-order to know more about him is to stay close to the fella, he doesn’t kill you, until the elevator opens, and when the bar goes down that means he is calmer! And don’t get the bar all the way up IM BEGGING YOU. Anyways, he’s scared and one of the most interesting toons/twisteds, that’s why he has texts and he’s rare, now getting to the part where he kills you, he notices that the elevator is opened, that’s when he becomes fully a twisted.
He starts to rush like a trackstar to the elevator and he is QUICK. I’m sorry if this didn’t help, I’m not that great at explaining 😭😭

P.S. Dandy is a guy.


Here’s some information on Dandy’s World!
If you want to get twisted Dandy, I would recommend looking for people who say they want to do a “dandy’s run”. It technically means a round where no one will buy items, so people can get twisted Dandy.
The toon with long arms is called Goob, avoid him at all costs because he can get you from afar.
There is no limit for floors, it can go on as long as possible.
The teacup-like twisted can steal some of your tapes if she manages to attack you.
The further you go, the more twisteds and machines will spawn on each floor. It can vary though if you’re doing a round with other people.
Shrimpo is the worst toon in the game, I wouldn’t recommend buying him 😭


9:40 you calling Glisten a girl made my day-


Alright here are some things you should know:
-you can define a character's gender by looking at their eyes, if they have eyelashes theyre female, if they dont theyre male.
-you can get twisteds off of you by breaking line of sight for a while, they can only see trough machines.
-some twisteds are more dangerous than others, theyre called "main characters", you saw one at the end, the dinosaur character, she put that confusion effect on you, making working on machines slower.
The man that broke out of the glass 13:33 his name is Rodger, he will hide in a capsule on a floor, being mostly harmless until his capsule is interacted with. Normal capsules have a tape on them while Rodger's doesnt.
-razzle and dazzle sit harmless in the middle of a circle that is outlined with wines, dont run in it or they will activate for a while
-Glisten has a bar above him, staying near him decreases it, if you dont stay near him for long and the bar fills, he will run at you on full speed. His bar automatically fills in panic mode (when all machines are completed), thats what got you killed.
-10:48 dont.
I really liked this video, hope you decide to play it another time.


"O-ok she just ate me." SUCH INSPIRING WORDS!


As a Dandy’s World fan.
I just HAD to see you play this :33

Facts or tips -

GLISTEN the mirror character is a safe toon. However once you have to get back to the elevator. He will chase you and the players. AND HE IS SUPER FAST! So when the machines are almost done. Stay away from him. Even if leaving him is pretty sad :((

Bandages or really helpful if you get injured! Even if you’re not you can take one in case of an emergency. You can find it either in Dandy’s shop or just in the floors, but it’s rare. Or uncommon.

Medkits are like bandages but better. If you are on 1 heart this medkit can be used in that situation. Giving you all 3 hearts.

The MAINS are a type of toon. Encountering a twisted version of them can be a bit tricky. Especially if you encounter Pebble. A huge dog who is super SUPER fast. So be careful around him :))

Don’t buy Shrimpo! He’s super slow. And can only be used if you can handle a challenge

Dandy’s World in it’s lore, yes this could be an amusement park. In honor of the popular cartoon named Dandy’s world.

You can use Ichor or that weird ink to buy trinkets or toons.
You can collect Ichor by picking up those black capsules, which can also help you get research on the twisteds that are in the floor.
Be careful

Be careful ok? A normal capsule has this grey straps around it.
If you pick up one that has no grey straps around it.
You might release a twisted named Rodger.

Yes that magnifying glass.


Yay this game wooo Dandy’s world yeah!!(sorry this is just my current hyperfixation)

Anyways some info

-Dandy is infact a guy

-the weird dinosaur you saw in floor 13 at the end is the twsited version of Shelly if you couldn’t guess

-Twisteds like Scraps and Goob(the one with long arms) are ranged attackers

-some twisteds are more hard to encounter then others, twisted versions of the main character toons(Astro, Shelly, Sprout, Pebble and Vee) only spawn in floor 5 or more

-every character except Toodles is an adult

-you can easily avoid twisted Rodger(the magnifying glass) and twisted Razzle and Dazzle(the masks you saw camping in the red circle thing), for Rodger, if the capsule doesn’t have straps it’s a trap and it’s actually twsited Rodger, you can avoid him by simply not interacting with the fake capsule, and for Razzle and Dazzle, simply don’t sprint in the red circle, sprinting in the circle will wake them up and they will attack you, if you do however accidentally interact with Rodger or wake up Razzle and Dazzle, simply hide and wait for them to either leave/fall asleep

-twisted Glisten(the mirror) has a bar won’t attack you until either you leave him alone for too long or all machines or complete, the bar indicates how long he has been left alone for, I recommend leaving him when only 1 machine is left to be completed, as he is one of the fastest twisteds and is be able to catch up to every toon, even if they’re sprinting.

-once Dandy gets mad enough at you, he will spawn as a twisted, twisted Dandy can kill you in one shot no matter how many hearts you have.

Ramble session over, thank you for listening to my ted talk


I Am INCREDIBLY HAPPY That You Decided To Play This Game!


You seem to be kind of confused about twisted glisten, so here's some facts and ways to survive him!
When glisten's bar is full, he starts attacking, so stay near him!
When there is one more machine, or if someone says "gte" (or go to elevator), run away from glisten and go to the elevator. The bar will disappear and glisten will start attacking, and will be very fast, which is why you should go to the elevator when told to. Glisten's speed at the end makes him the fastest twisted in Dandy's World!
Also, you do not want to make Dandy mad, as he is the only twisted that can take away all of your hearts in one bite, these twisteds are called lethal twisteds.
The big twisteds (like the dinosaur one at 16:26, her name is Shelly btw) are main character twisteds. You may be wondering why there are main characters, it is because it used to be a tv show! Unfortunately, the show was deleted so you cannot see the show anymore, but the tv's in the game show short clips from the show! Also, twisted Astro is slightly taller than other twisteds and still counts as a main character twisted.
The long arms twisted is twisted Goob. He has long arms for hugging actually. Goob also has a sister! Her name is Scraps, and like twisted Goob, twisted Scraps uses her tail to bite players from far away. Goob's ability (ex of abilities: Poppy's ability) allows him to grab other players from far away and hug them, pulling the player towards him, which is very useful when you have to go back into the elevator. Scraps' ability, is like Goob's. She uses her tail to grab onto players and goes towards them. Goob is actually quite fast as alot of players distract while using Goob.
If you are wondering why Vee cannot go near water, she is actually a tv. She is the host of a gameshow in the tv series, according to one of the tv clips in the game.
You were also wondering for the research capsules were for! They show the players what twisteds there are on the floor. There is also a "Twisteds" button on the left of your screen when at the main lobby. It will show how much research you collected on that twisted. Once you have 100% of the twisted's research, it will give you the toon's trinket! Since you didn't play for that long, you didn't get to use them. They actually affect how you play! Some trinkets will boost your speed, while Shrimpo's trinket is a brick that just lowers your speed, I unfortunately forgot what else it does.

I got lazy and decided not to put anymore information, especially since this comment is getting long. You may find more information in the Dandy's World Wiki! I hope this helps!
