Identical twins, what's the greatest thing you've achieved by swapping places?

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Identical twins, what's the greatest thing you've achieved by swapping places?

My twin and I have swapped places successfully in many situations, but the most recent was probably the best. My brother is an adjunct professor at a local university, teaching web design. None of his students knew he had a twin.

On April 1st, I came in to open the class instead of him. I casually said hi to about 20 students, discussed questions about a project, making it up as I went, and even discussed a student's grade before opening the lesson. No one noticed anything out of the ordinary. About 5 minutes into this, my brother threw open the classroom door and stepped in. He pointed to me and said, "Who is this imposter?"

We didn't know how they would react, but we thought it would be a lot louder. Instead, most of the students' mouths dropped open, and they just stared back and forth in complete confusion and terror in a few cases. Finally, I broke in and said that I was teaching my class as usual and who is this guy interrupting? He dashed up to the front and said it was his class and I should leave.

We then asked the students whose class it was. About half got it right for bonus points, and half got it wrong. Either way, we clearly left an unforgettable impression.
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My twin and I switched classes to take a test. We were better at the other subject that the other had to take x.x we switched clothes and jewelry at lunch before the test. Went to others class, no one noticed.


His brother gave an interesting show....


I am a identical twin and on April fools day we switched spots for a day at school. My teacher noticed right away lol😂


This is just funny🤣🤣 ima twin but we’re whatever it was called but we’re not identical.


I am not a twin but I do have a doppelganger. We have the same first and middle names, also our maiden names start with the same letter. My dad tapped her on the shoulder and started to yell at her for leaving the house when grounded. I had gotten my hair cut from the base of my shoulder blades to a pixie cut 2 days before so I could be known for having short hair as there were 4 other girls in one of my classes with the same first name and all had long hair. He'd forgotten about my haircut.


Ngl this would have been funnier “Who is this imposter” “I’m teaching my class” (Hits the whip)


Me and my twin just switch classes and so got to miss English


To twins, you need to know that is creepier than it is funny.


Weak. You could and SHOULD have taken that further..
