Plumbing Top Out - Waste, Drain, and Vent Ep.88

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Phil is hilarious. He has a great sense of humor. Two years ago my wife and I had a house built in PA. Our plumber was a bit rough around the edges but super kind and jolly. His son worked for him off and on. He (the son) took the time to explain the pros and cons of tank/tankless water heaters, recovery time, how quickly the hot water would reach each faucet, etc. Toward the end of the project (it was Christmas time) the son took his own life. My project was one of the last big ones Tom the plumber got to work on with his son. Not sure why I felt compelled to share all that. I think about how he had to finish my project without his son and the fragility of life regardless of ones social stature. These guys usually don't like to be called artists...but they are. I admire any tradesperson that takes the time to fine-tune their craft.


"It says professional on it"
"Well that leaves me out"

When you hear a tradesmen say that, you got the right one.


I’m a plumber. I’m 27 and self employed. What you are watching him do is the most difficult part about our job for me. I’ve been plumbing since I could crawl and those 3 inch sweeps wye’s combos and all that still blow my mind here and there and take serious thinking to see how I should run it lol. He’s skilled.


The things he says and the comments and stories he has are great. As a fellow tradesman I've worked around all sorts of people and I could definitely work around this guy.


I hope one day to be as good as he is! I’m a residential plumber, and fix drain plumbing every now and then, I’ll tell you this definitely harder then it looks. Being able to have the vision, I’d rather do potable water instead re-pipes. Started the the plumbing trade @ 30 now 35, my only regret is not starting at a younger age, but in my early 20’s the opportunity never presented itself. I prayed and prayed in my last years of my 20’s at 29 to get the opportunity, and my prayer was answered. Thank you father God. Plumbing has change my life how I feel about myself, I’m achieving a skill, providing for my family, and love what I do!!!


I didn't name these things... I wasn't involved! Lol 😆 🤣


Phil is the kind of guy you'd want to be your mentor when going through a plumbing apprenticeship. You'd learn so much just from his stream of consciousness talk - sounds like random thoughts but it's full of hard learned wisdom with a nugget of quantum physics thrown in.


“Try to have some situational awareness in life”, words to live by !


Side note: Peanut shells on the floor. Our old local farm and home supply store would have a "Peanut Days" sale for a few weeks every year for customer appreciation. but the real reason they did it was that oils in the shells of the peanut would soak into the concrete floor and the shells were a mild abrasive so every nights when the stocks swept up for 2 weeks they were oiling/sealing and polishing the floor cheaper thatn they could hire a crew to come do the floor for them. And they sold a ton of merchadise cause FREE PEANUTS


Trading Work. 25 years ago I was rebuilding a house with 4 bathrooms after a fire. My distant cousin showed up with his plumbing truck. gave me a list of what to buy and I was his helper. cutting and deburring all the pipe and getting him the fittings. When I asked how much I was going to owe him he said I had a welder and he needed some fabrication work. I built 2 roll around carts for his jet ski's and then built his stairs on his house he was remodeling, It worked out for both of us.


that gentleman is such a great person to be around. smart, humble, wise, hard working, and most importantly... ROARINGLY humorous. Thanks so much for sharing with us the amazing lively energy that plumber has. Blessings.


When I saw Phil was going to be on this one, I could not click fast enough. Of course, I enjoy every one of Scott's videos, but I just know that Phil is going to be an extra special treat!
Cheers from Tokyo!


as someone who hates plumbing almost as much as working on a roof this tradesman's dedication to his art is a joy to watch. his comedic quips are brilliant.


You got a NASA rocket scientist to do the plumbing? Wow!


"Where it pokes in its male and female and im not sure if were supposed to identify fittings that way anymore but we are"

That made me laugh so bloody hard. Amazing comment.


I'm just impressed how straight his sawzall pipe cuts are.


What a pleasant human being and a great way to spend 30mins on a Saturday morning.


It’s guys like Phil that built America and we should be thankful for them. I feel lucky to have had a chance to watch him explain and teach his trade to others. Great guy, great plumber. Thanks for the video.


I really appreciate how Phil takes the time to explain things thoroughly and can do so without being condescending (same to you, Scott!!). In my experience, it's really hard to find that rare person that has thoroughly mastered their trade *and* is articulate and patient enough to explain what they've done, why, and how.


As an electrician myself, I can't wait for the electrical chapter of this project!
