Detailed REVIEW of Sonlight Curriculum HBL-B II Hits & Misses + Overall Thoughts!

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In today's video, I take you ALL MY THOUGHTS on the Sonlight HBL-B program ... including everyone's favorite books and some overall thoughts! Let me know if you have any questions about HBL-B!

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Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro
Music: YouTube Free Library

Hi! I’m Angie, my kids ages are 9, 7, 5, and 5. On this channel I enjoy sharing my serious love for all things homeschool! You can expect videos on homeschool curriculum (flip-throughs, and reviews), book hauls, and any tips and tricks I have picked up over the past 4 years. Excited to have you following along!!

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We really loved both our B and C years. The literature is just amazing. Makes me want to go back and read them all again to my kids.


Love this type of video! ❤ We cherished our times reading Leading Little Ones to God...several kids got saved during that book. So, so good for family devotions and discussions. Stick with Sonlight....its amazing! You're doing a great job, mama! ❤


Understood Betsy was by far my favorite of the year. It was the last book we finished and I just cried at the end. So grateful for the beautiful story of its "I can do hard things" mentality and genuine love of extended family and friends. I needed it probably more than my kids.


This was so helpful!!! I’ve been considering Sonlight for a while and this answered all my questions that had me hesitating. Thank you!


Can you do an video update on how the Sonlight planner worked for you this year?


Sonlight has such a special place in my heart. We have used it for kindergarten through 4th grade - the books (which come with included laughs & tears), the talks, the thinking about & praying for the entire world… ❤


Very helpful video! I'm deciding what route to take for our next homeschool year. We started with Build Your Library but I'm considering switching to Sonlight. Thank you 🙂


Thank you!! I love your review videos so much. I have HBL-B for next year and thumbing through the books, I was a little nervous about Child’s History of the World and Leading Little Ones so I’m glad you said that about them 😁


So glad you had a good year❤ we’ve used Sonlight off and on through the years. I have 4 kids graduated from our homeschool and my youngest is 15 😢


Thank you, this is so helpful! I am considering this for next year.


Love this. Can't wait to do this with my kids next year. 😊
I'm thinking of adding Story of the World to go along with it.


Can you do a video about how you use this curriculum? Is it just reading the books and discussing or how does it work?


Thank you for this helpful review! This will be our 2nd year using Sonlight! We really enjoyed last year. The one thing we struggled with were the read alouds. I felt like my son wasn’t interested in most of them and I was doing all the reading. As a tired mama many days, I would think, “Why am I reading this and he is checked out.” Do you have any tips on how to make the read alouds more fun?


I keep watching all your Sonlight videos and LOVE what I see, but then I head over to the website, and the sticker shock scares me off. 😆


I am so drawn to sunlight! But the price $$…im trying to find a way to make this work. How crucial is the teachers guide? If I bought the books second-hand and fostered great discussion, would that work? This just sounds amazing.


This is the video that originally inspired me to start looking into Sonlight and we have decided to do hbl B this year, which ive already aquired. However, Around the World with Kate and Mack was swapped out with an update (but its still included in the IG) because its out of print, but im considering picking it up from thrift books because it looks good. Obviously you cant compare it with what they swapped it with, but do you feel like it was "that" good to recommend picking it up anyways ?


I’m so excited to use Sonlight! I am debating using HBL-A for US history or NotGrass our Star Spangled Story. It’s so hard to choose a US History curriculum!
But I think I’ve settled on HBL B and C for world history and I’m pretty pumped 😊


My mom did our lessons one day while I was away and after she read a Child’s History of the World she asked to read it when we were done. I agreed with her that it was excellent!


So for the read aloud is it like the parent reads those books or do the kids read them as well?


Thank you so much for your review! Do you think this level will work well with a 4th and 3rd grader? Or would it be too easy?
