How to Play Saboteur

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Learn the rules to the card game Saboteur quickly and concisely - This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules.

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0:00 – Objective
0:20 – Setup
1:27 – Starting
1:52 – Path Card
2:12 – Action Cards
3:18 – Reaching Goal Card
3:53 – If Gold Diggers Win
4:21 – If the Saboteurs Win
4:34 – Optional Rule
4:50 – Rounds

The object of the game is to get as much gold as possible. There are two teams: The Gold Diggers, and The Saboteurs. The Gold Diggers’ objective is to work together to build their tunnel in search of the treasure. The objective of the Saboteurs is to try to place obstacles and prevent the Gold Diggers from achieving their goal. All identities are hidden, so it is up to you to try and figure out who is on your team.
Separate the cards into path, action, nugget, and dwarf cards. Based on how many players are in the game, shuffle the correct identity cards and deal 1 to each player. From 1 saboteur and 3 gold-diggers for 3 players, all the way up to using all dwarf cards for 10 players. The remaining card is put aside, face down, until the end of the round.

Among the 44 path cards there is one double sided start card, showing a ladder, and three goal cards. One of the goal cards shows the treasure, the other two merely a stone. Place the start card face up on the table, then shuffle the goal cards and put them face down on the table 7 card spaces away from the start card, and one card space between each goal.

Put the remaining path cards and all action cards into one deck, shuffle and deal out 4 to 6 cards to each player depending on how many players there are.

Put the remaining cards next to the goal cards within easy reach, as a deck. Shuffle the gold nugget cards and put them next to the leftover dwarf card as a face down deck. Youngest player begins, and play goes clockwise. On his turn, a player must first play a card in one of three ways: Either add a path card to the maze, put down an action card in front of a player, or pass, discarding one card face down on the discard pile. The player then draws a card and ends his turn.

When the draw deck is used up, players do not draw anymore cards, and play continues until everyone has either played and/or discarded all their cards.

To play a path card, it must always be put next to a path card that is already on the table. Path cards are placed starting from the start card and placing towards the goal cards. The paths on all sides of the card must fit those already in play. A path card may never be played crosswise. The gold-diggers must establish an uninterrupted path from the start card to their goal card.

Action cards are played by putting them face-up in front of any player. There are 4 types of action cards.

Red Broken tool cards prevent a player from placing down path cards as long as the card is in front of them. A maximum of 3 broken tool cards may be in front of a particular player, but only one card of each type.

Green Repair cards remove a broken tool card from in front of a player. However, the repair card must specifically match the broken tool, and if a repair card shows two tools, it can be used to repair either type of tool, but not both. Discard both cards face down. Players may remove cards from other players if they choose

The rock fall card is used to remove a path card of choice from the maze, excluding the start and goal cards.

The map card allows a player to secretly look at one of the three goal cards. Once the player looks at the goal card, he then puts the card back facedown and discards the map card face down. This player can now choose to share the information, keep it to himself, or lie about it.

The final option is to pass, placing a card from your hand face down on the discard pile without showing it to the other players...
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01:05 Official rules say that the cards can be placed beyond the 9 x 5 space. Frederic Moyersoen confirms this on BGG. Look for "limits on building to the sides?" topic on BGG.


I’m drunk af we bout to play this game . I’m in the bathroom learning how 😂😂


The rule booklet says specifically that you CAN extend the path beyond the 5 by 9 card pattern made by the setup. What am I missing here?


This was good and clear. Thanks for explaining the game!


I love the way you throw away the cards at 0:27 :D


It baffles me why anyone would click the thumbs down on this, unless they are just trolling. Thanks for your vids and well done on the editing.


i find it funny how he throws them off the table.


the rule shouldve been shortest player goes first


the setup must be a 9 by 5 matrix, in this video it is shown as a 8 by 5 pattern, there must be 7 cards between the goal and the start


My Variation:
A player can still use path cards if they have a broken item card. But if they have 2 of the 3 types of broken items, they cannot place path cards. If a player has the broken cart, broken lamp and broken pickaxe at once, they must repair at least one of them when their turn comes up. If not, then they are Eliminated for the round. They discard all their cards in hand and cannot gain any more turns and therefore, cannot receive gold regardless of results and roles for this round. That eliminated player must reveal his/her role. If all saboteurs are out of the round because of that, the gold diggers automatically win this round.
Repair cards can only be used for yourselves unless someone is about to be eliminated for the round because of having 1 of each type of broken cards (as mentioned above). If all Gold diggers have at least one broken item, the saboteurs can reveal their roles. They won the round!
If you are on the winning side, even if you have any broken cards, as long as you don't have all 3 types of broken cards, you still receive gold nuggets for this round.


The designs make this game look like something Grandma had forgotten in the corner of the attic covered in cobwebs and old, moldy quilts.


1. What if a path card is placed between two path goal cards such that it connects both path goals? Do you then reveal both of the cards or just one?
2. What if two of the three path cards are already revealed and they are stones? The game continues and Saboteur hasn't won yet until all cards in the draw pile are used up and there are no playable cards in hand?


love this game. used to play it 15 years ago!


A brilliant game, my students loved it and this video was extremely helpful. If you know other games for large groups (10+ players), please let me know. Keep up your excellent work!


The rock fall card can remove ANY card from the tunnel or the last card played?


00:58 As you say : 7 cards between the ladder and the row of goals. But you dealt only 6, which makes an 8 x 5 space instead of a 9 x 5 space.


Good enough rule description, though a few comments say you got some of it wrong... But this game just doesn't look fun. It looks like it would overwhelmingly favor the miners because it would be near impossible for the saboteur to sabotage the team without revealing their identity. Your fake teammates will only buy the 'I didn't have a better card' line for so long.


My greek version of the game says in the rules that it is possible to go outside of the 9x5 matrix and not only inside of it.
What is the right way to play?


only thing i do not the end, do you reveal who was saboteur and who was gold digger?


Amazing channel! Watching all games here now!
