O Barquinho - Bossa Nova Guitar Lesson #27: Advanced Rhythmic Phrase 7333
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Bossa Nova Guitar Lesson #27: Advanced Rhythmic Phrase 7333
O Barquinho (Roberto Menescal, Ronaldo Bôscoli)
as played by João Gilberto on album João Gilberto from 1961.
This phrase is played in the same way as 7443 phrase from O Pato lesson. All 16th notes except beat 12 are played with legato, while all 8th notes and beat 12 are played with staccato. All 8th notes are muted by lifting the left hand fingertips off the fretboard, while beat 12 is muted by planting right hand fingertips on strings at the same moment the bass (on beat 13) is played. In addition the right hand thumb may be planted on bass string when the last 16th note (beat 16) is played to reinforce the muting.
Note that the second 8th note in the pattern '1' in most of the phrases are played in the following way:
1212 and 1213 - legato
1313, 1333, 3313 - staccato (except in the ending 1313 part where it is played as above)
This type of staccato phrasing is something that João used often in his first bossa nova albums and can be also found here in other lessons, such as Chega de Saudade, Bim Bom, Samba da Minha Terra and some others.
Enjoy playing O Barquinho!
O Barquinho (Roberto Menescal, Ronaldo Bôscoli)
as played by João Gilberto on album João Gilberto from 1961.
This phrase is played in the same way as 7443 phrase from O Pato lesson. All 16th notes except beat 12 are played with legato, while all 8th notes and beat 12 are played with staccato. All 8th notes are muted by lifting the left hand fingertips off the fretboard, while beat 12 is muted by planting right hand fingertips on strings at the same moment the bass (on beat 13) is played. In addition the right hand thumb may be planted on bass string when the last 16th note (beat 16) is played to reinforce the muting.
Note that the second 8th note in the pattern '1' in most of the phrases are played in the following way:
1212 and 1213 - legato
1313, 1333, 3313 - staccato (except in the ending 1313 part where it is played as above)
This type of staccato phrasing is something that João used often in his first bossa nova albums and can be also found here in other lessons, such as Chega de Saudade, Bim Bom, Samba da Minha Terra and some others.
Enjoy playing O Barquinho!