Horrible Hermeneutics - The Law of First Mention

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This video will be the first in a series on hermeneutics. In particular, as the name implies, horrible hermeneutics. A while back, I did a video that addressed the question, what good is a perfect Bible with horrible theology. But where does this horrible theology come from? It comes from horrible hermeneutics. Today, we will deal with a horrible hermeneutic that some people call the "Law or Principle of First Mention". Here's the first thing you need to know about it. There is no such hermeneutical law...

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I do appreciate the definition; you are correct there is "no" hermeneutic called The Law of first mention.


Gordon Fee said (as I remember) “A text cannot mean what it does not say”.
If that’s true, (I believe it is) will you be explaining the necessary relationship between exegesis (observing what the text says) with Hermeneutics (interpreting what the text means)?


I appreciate all your hard work in this channel. You’ve chosen to take on a very devout group of zealots at great personal cost. I admire your dedication and courage. I pray you are sustained in proclaiming truth and your family finds blessing through what must undoubtedly be an ugly struggle in this season.


Pastor, I
appreciate your caution regarding the principle of first mention, especially the risks it poses when applied to English Bible translations by those not well-versed in biblical languages. However, with proper exegetical methods that consider the original Greek and Hebrew, its value shines. Modern tools have evolved beyond traditional concordances. For instance, resources like the Louw-Nida lexicon allow us to explore the nuanced senses of original words, enriching our understanding and application of this principle. By leveraging such advancements, we can navigate the complexities of biblical text more accurately, appreciating the depth of scripture with greater clarity.

Nevertheless, we have to be mindful that this principle is regarding appearance of themes, concepts and/or symbols in scripture. That is why we can see that in Gen 3:21 combined with Gen 4, we can understand the sacrificial system and maybe part of the reason why the Lord was please with Abel and his offering. As particular believers, we know that the bigger part was based in Abel himself and not necessarily his sacrifice.


I think one of the easiest ways to show why the "Law" of First Mention is flawed is that whichever reference is reckoned as "first" is contingent on the ordering of the canonical books. If, as in some Hebrew Bibles, the books of the OT were arranged in a different order (Isaiah immediately after 2 Kings, Ruth after Song of Songs, etc), this redefines some definitional first mentions. In essence, the table of contents per se decides more things than it was meant to.

Similar point: sticking with Genesis as the first book in canonical order, we would then need to assume that for the most part Genesis (given it's length and breadth of subject matter) is the interpretive key for the rest of Scripture, which of itself invites questions about what Scripture is about in sum. That belief would require serious theological substantiation, which inevitably (I would say) would beg the question about what Scripture fundamentally is, the nature of its authority, etc.


I've heard this "law" taught. I appreciate your explanation and examples. Let's stick to the truth and rightly divide the Word!


since u're talking about this point sir, what can you make of NASA - lifting or bearing up found in Leviticus 16. As it applies to the goat of departure which d high priest lays his hands on and confess the sins on . The goat is led into the desert.
Yet on the Cross where Jesus was our sin offering propitiation we Christians says bear our sins.
How and where in Leviticus 16 did the sin offering goat bear up our sins as we claim Christ did on the cross.
Bearing up NASA does apply to the Cross in anyway yet we apply it.
Where did Christ carry our sins into the desert?
Please any response


This is the first time I have heard of "First Mention". Interesting video! I have wondered about the Hebrew/Greek word "Yom". I wonder if always means a 24 hour day.


Thank you so much for doing this series! I need it! After coming out of 30 years of Pentecostalism I need some good solid pointers on hermeneutics!


Do you happen to have any history behind how this "law" came about? Are there any verses that they reference to say it is valid? If anyone knows even a little bit about English, they would know words can have multiple meanings, so I have a hard time understanding how people can believe this approach has any validity (and yet I know you are telling the truth that they do because I have heard it mentioned in arguments where people are trying to prove why a passage of scripture means something other than what it seems to mean).


Context is imperative. The wine narrative regarding Noah was a lesson about how we need to be careful about things when we don't know what the consequences may be.
Among other meanings.

With melchizedek it was a shadow of Yahshua.
The Melekh Tzaddik with bread and wine was a picture of the Messiah.
Our Melekh (King) of Tzaddik (Righteousness) bringing us the bread of Life and the new wine of the covenant in Him.

While I believe you can to some degree use a law of first mention; the contextual meaning must be foremost applied.

We can compare the wine narrative of Noah more accurately with the principle of being drunk on the Spirit of the Living Elohim.


YOU COMPROMISER! Just kidding, I couldn't resist. First time I mentioned the word hermeneutics to an IFB preacher, they looked at me like I had 3 heads. Understanding hermeneutics was a game changer for me. I would say I follow a "redemptive historical" hermeneutic (which sounds like it would be somewhat similar to the Christo-centric hermeneutic that you described).


The first time I’ve heard of a principle of first mention, it was a completely different principle. It also wasn’t connected with IFB so that could be part of it.

The principle I learned is that the first mention of a major theological idea or term should carry some extra weight when considered with later occurrences, not because we ignore context, but because, if we’re after original intent, we can’t assume the earlier author is using the later author’s context or meaning. In other words, don’t read later contexts backwards into the first context you find the term.


Heard that law a lot. Looking forward to more in the series. Many Believers just take for granted that what the preacher knows what he is talking about.


Oh boy I cannot wait for the video about "types". As the IFB just LOVES to create a ton of them when it's convenient for them.
It just feels like a sly way of getting around the literal meaning of certain verses.


Have you gone from IFB to Reformed/Calvinist?


Missed seeing your videos, glad to see you back!


Brother Jonathan, I appreciate you tackling this one.

I have issues with the word “hermeneutics” as the root comes from the Greek god Hermes and using a false god as a descriptor for how to interpret the Bible of the true God just seems wrong. I wish we had a better word.

Another point of disagreement is with authorial intent. I am not convinced that the biblical authors were 100% on the meaning of what they were writing all the time. Those were Gods words not just theirs.

I mean, do you think Zachariah understood the full meaning of every word God had him write down?

What about the mysteries that the Apostle Paul pulled out of the Old Testament. Were those mysteries revealed to the original authors or to Paul?

While I do think these are good principles to study, they are not hard and fast “laws.”


A good, very helpful series. Looking forward to this.


Pastor Jonathan, I saw on Facebook adds selling First Mention Bibles. The Bible seems to be put out by a King James Onlyist named Kevin Mann who seems to have his own publishing company.
