Soon to be Renewed [ Channel Update ]
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So I'm moving once again, suprising right? wrong. Anyways, when we get to the next house we'll be getting better internet.
Still not sure if they're going to give us what they advertise but we've contacted the company and the house applies for the plan below.
Also note: Essentially 2 months from now will mark the restart, the new life of my channel.
Find me here,
----- [ Megabits ] -----
Download: 1000 Mbps
Upload: 50 Mbps
Monthly Cap: 6000gb
-- conversion [Megabytes] --
Download: 125 Mb/s
Upload: 6.25 Mb/s
---- Time Stamps ----
4m30s [307Mbyte] video | upload = 48 Seconds
[ 60GB/480,000Mbit ] file | download : 8 minutes [ 480 seconds ]
[ 1Gb/8,000Mbit ] file | download = 8 Seconds
Live Streaming [6,000kbps/6mbps/0.75mb/s ] | upload : Consistent.
Download: 6 Megabits/s
Upload: 3 Megabits/s
Monthly Cap: Unlimited
-- conversion [Megabytes] --
Download: 0.6 Megabytes/s
Upload: 0.2 Megabytes/s
---- Time Stamps ----
4m30s 21Mb video | upload = 3 minutes
1Gb file | download = ~25 Minutes
Still not sure if they're going to give us what they advertise but we've contacted the company and the house applies for the plan below.
Also note: Essentially 2 months from now will mark the restart, the new life of my channel.
Find me here,
----- [ Megabits ] -----
Download: 1000 Mbps
Upload: 50 Mbps
Monthly Cap: 6000gb
-- conversion [Megabytes] --
Download: 125 Mb/s
Upload: 6.25 Mb/s
---- Time Stamps ----
4m30s [307Mbyte] video | upload = 48 Seconds
[ 60GB/480,000Mbit ] file | download : 8 minutes [ 480 seconds ]
[ 1Gb/8,000Mbit ] file | download = 8 Seconds
Live Streaming [6,000kbps/6mbps/0.75mb/s ] | upload : Consistent.
Download: 6 Megabits/s
Upload: 3 Megabits/s
Monthly Cap: Unlimited
-- conversion [Megabytes] --
Download: 0.6 Megabytes/s
Upload: 0.2 Megabytes/s
---- Time Stamps ----
4m30s 21Mb video | upload = 3 minutes
1Gb file | download = ~25 Minutes