Making Dart fast on mobile (DartConf 2018)

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Making Dart fast on mobile

No matter whether you are developing or deploying your Flutter application it ends up running on the Dart VM. How does Dart VM run your code? Is there any difference between development and deployment configurations? Learn about all the things Dart VM team is doing behind the scenes to ensure that your applications are fast and slim.

About Vyacheslav:
Vyacheslav Egorov is a software engineer at Google Aarhus, where he is working on the Dart VM. His interest is primarily focused on the technology behind virtual machines and compilers. Vyacheslav also contributed to V8 JavaScript engine and LuaJIT. Before joining Google he worked on a Java VM with an ahead-of-time compiler at Excelsior LLC.

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Interesting presentation, enjoyable thank you.


I didn't understand or see how and where in this video Making Dart Fast on Mobile
