How the Mind Influences Reality + 3 Ways to Control Manifestation (law of attraction)

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We live in two simultaneous worlds: The invisible world of cause where thoughts and beliefs are creators, and the seemingly material world of effect where the results, or manifestations of our thoughts and beliefs, come into being and are experienced. Through the law of creation, and therefore the law of attraction, man can project an idea into the mind and have that idea come into manifestation. With this knowledge, we can take control and start to attract, create and manifest our life and reality from a creative consciousness paradigm.

Law of Attraction does not bring positive results without positive beliefs and positive patterns. These principles are the secret formula to follow if you wish to align with your desires the way countless others have. You are a limitless creator. Learn how to break free from self-imposed limitations and live the life you desire!

*Video Production/Content Copyrighted by Your Youniverse Channel

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► Self-Maid - A maid-turned-doctor explains how to deliberately create your life using Universal Laws and the law of attraction →

More law of attraction and mind secret videos:

Establishing the Creative Consciousness – The Great Law of Mental Attraction

How Thinking Brings Success – The Power of Your Thoughts (law of attraction)

How to Use Your Spiritual Power to Live a Magical Life – Law of Attraction

Top Ten Law of Attraction Tips to Manifest More of What You Want!

The Greatest Thing Ever Known – The Key to Your Creative Power (law of attraction)

The Power of Affirmation – Forming the Habit of Positive Thinking (law of attraction)

Success is Something You Attract! Jim Rohn’s Wealth Formula – Law of Attraction

Expanding Inner Awareness to Change Outer Reality – Stuart Wilde (law of attraction)

Using Mental Concentration to Attract What You Want – Law of Attraction

How to Align With Your Passion and Prosperity – Simple Law of Attraction Abundance Exercise

You Will Always Attract According to Your Thought – Law of Attraction

Using the Law of Attraction to Attract Money Prosperity and Abundance

Unlock the Hidden Powers Within You – Applying Your Larger Abilities (law of attraction)

Loving Kindness Guided Meditation – Cultivate the Practice of Love & Kindness

The Use of the Greater Consciousness - The Eternal Creative Power (law of attraction)

The Secret of I AM – A Higher Plane of Consciousness – (law of attraction)

Magnetizing What You Want From the Quantum Field – Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction | mind | secret | powerful | key | success | life | training | coach | personal | business | speaker | development | inspiration | motivation | public speaking | leadership | marketing | management | coaching (industry) | sales | motivational | positive | entrepreneur | seminar | inspirational | new | 2016
Рекомендации по теме

Our real reality is in our mind. Our outter reality is then formed based on our inner reality. That's why it's so important to fill your mind only with those things you want to achieve and be.


My grandma always used to tell me "If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything"..we all have heard this.i had no idea she met literally.grandma had the best advice of all...with discipline and action and the power of our minds we can truly accomplish anything!! 😎 Have a good day to all that read this!


To the person reading this :even if i don't know you, I wish you all the best of what life has to offer .


Your brain cannot tell the difference between something imagined and something in a physical point of view 🔥🔥🔥


Within the next 8 hours, May the eyes of each and every soul that rest on these words blessed to experience something absolutely Amazing that changes your Life in Very Best of Ways. You deserve it. 🗣🤞🏽🤞🏽💫💫💫


Manifestation is about your mind, energy, feelings and actions. Get them all in alignment.


I have switched to extreme positivity- nothing is impossible 🤗 I am going to listen to this every morning !


Why don't the people that are so negative, leaving dislikes express and justify their dislikes in the comments? Like, how can you negative breeds dislike such a positive amazing video? This channel changed my whole life...


We truly are made in the image of God. Absolutely nothing is impossible to us!!!


I have study meditation for 10 year an I could tell you that the brain is just a tool for the mind once you figure that out you will never be the same


Growing up my family really installed this understanding into my head growing up even to this day I see miracles and blessings always.


my manifestation came true i met my beautiful soulmate. And i came to become my higher self. I got a GLO-UP, i get compliments every day💪🏿. PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO ANYBODY READING🤍


Your "Emotion"s are the mastermind. You are creating what you feel, Period!

Words have little power. So, if you want more money and you don't have it . Close your eyes and imagine the things you want, car, house etc. Because, this is what you want the money for. Don't imagine a pile of money.

This will help the feelings come to the surface. Do this imagining everyday for 15 minutes. Consistency matters.! You will soon have a tipping point where stuff will start showing up in your reality. Don't give cannot know what is going on behind the scenes within The Energy within you is changing and starting to draw or attract that stuff. You are changing your vibrational frequency and you don't even know it yet. The more you do this, the more your desire grows. Start with something small, until you prove to yourself that you did it.

Start with one thing. Focus on one thing. Don't give up. Don't give up!!!!

You are the creator of your own life experience.

What do you want?

Then do it again.


If it wasn't for YouTube, most of us would never ever even know 1% of all of these amazing teachings.


This is not just some...blabla documentary, what he is explaining makes real sense...!!! must have required a lot of research and work. Very mind opening.


What I like about this documentary is how it does not try to impose a value system and try to explain the "law" strictly within a narrow context of money, luxury or any such thing. As there are billions of people so there are billions of possible successes. The law is open to all to used in a way pleasing to all and in keeping with our individual uniqueness.


Exactly what I need to hear this morning! I woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning. This reversed and changed my morning for the better. Thanks a million!


That's deep! "We keep choosing the same storyline all the time, over time." Explains why the majority of people worldwide stay on the hampster wheel, yet expect change. Live and think from a world within, not without.


My life is replete with astonishing manifestations. Yours can be too if you don’t block them with negativity, including the mistaken belief that you don’t truly deserve what you seek. In the book Seth Speaks, Seth said we are given the gifts of the gods and that we make our own reality. It’s true.


I am a master manifester now that i know who I AM I am way more conscious of my thoughts because i know my thoughts create my reality. This has given me a super positive mentality, anything negative that pops up in my mind gets overwhelmed with positivity rite after, i have less and less negative thoughts now.. Starting to vibrate at crazy high levels now 💪🏾 Thank you Youniverse
