GPU Programming in Wolfram Mathematica - Speed Up Computations with Parallel GPU Computing
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With the Wolfram Language, the enormous parallel processing power of Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) can be used from its built-in interface.
The interface supports both CUDA and OpenCL, which lets the Wolfram Language support GPU hardware from a wide range of different GPU manufacturers.
In this webinar recording you will learn
- How to create and deploy GPU enabled programs with the Wolfram Language.
- How to use NVIDIA CUDA-enabled GPUs to boost performance in a number of computing areas, such as linear algebra and image processing.
- How to use OpenCL-enabled GPUs from the Wolfram language.
The interface supports both CUDA and OpenCL, which lets the Wolfram Language support GPU hardware from a wide range of different GPU manufacturers.
In this webinar recording you will learn
- How to create and deploy GPU enabled programs with the Wolfram Language.
- How to use NVIDIA CUDA-enabled GPUs to boost performance in a number of computing areas, such as linear algebra and image processing.
- How to use OpenCL-enabled GPUs from the Wolfram language.
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